Europe’s fertility crisis: Which countries are having fewer babies?

Europe’s fertility crisis: Which countries are having fewer babies?

by euronews-english

  1. Ban abortion in more countries, it will definitely help.

    If not, run a register for pregnant women and put those who aborted their babies in jail, it will definitely help.

    Oh, wait…

    (/s if you still didn’t catch it)

  2. I expected Greece to be lower, but maybe that’s because we are one of the “eldest” countries in EU and that confused me.

  3. The ones with a high workload, shitty care and medical infrastructure, high rents, high cost of living and a general lack of societal support for people with kids, e.g. Germany.

  4. Dont worry there will be a baby boom soon enough with the hundreds and thousands of migrants entering Europe . Once those men settle and bring families over from their countries there will be a massive boom . No more white people anymore in Europe but hey that’s life

  5. Don’t worry guys, we have a lot of obedient slave labor ready to be imported. Housing prices will stay high and shit will be sold. Our assets are secured

  6. Why is that a crisis, that means Europe as a whole has become wealthy. Fertility rate always drops when wealth increases, no matter where you live.

  7. Why have babies when both parents are forced to work full time and there is no carrying for the children, from the state , for the whole working hours? Nobody is raising them. We don’t live in small societies near parents and grandparents anymore, to manage daycare. Also educational system is hitting rock bottom. Public education has lowered standards to absolutely basic learning with minimum effort from teachers, so parents are paying for private teachers from the age of 10. Public health gets underfunded every year, in favour of private health. And of course there is the piece of cake, easy, , divorce and destroy the father legal system.

  8. They will just ban abortion completely, make contraceptives harder to get hold of / more expensive. Look what these authoritarian, control obsessed governments have done to us in the last 5 years. You think this is beyond them?

    They’ve said fuck your to your rights slowly so the rioting won’t start. The frog jumps out of the boiling pot if he’s dropped in but will just boil to death if the water is warmed up steadily.

  9. Yeah, most people don’t want children because its hard and takes effort and sacrifice….

  10. Each woman under 30 that delivers a child for the state will get a free house. See the raise in childbirths

  11. Having a child today means giving up all your freedom for the next 20 years. Everything you do from there on will be in service of THE CHILD(REN).

    – You will never rest again.
    – You will never enjoy a holiday again.
    – You will not have the freedom to quit your job because the power tripping middle manager is an asshole.

    I see many, many parents – young and not so young – absolutely unable (or unwilling) to control their screaming children in shops. There was one child who wasn’t sad or crying even, just screaming for no apparent reason, no matter what his mother said.

    – Let’s go baby = WAAAAAAAAAH
    – Want some strawberries? = WAAAAAAAH
    – We’ll go home in a minute = WAAAAAAAH

    The biggest issue is that jobs refuse to pay enough to support yourself, let alone a family. But then articles like this are spinning it around like it’s the people’s fault.

    It’s not an infertility crisis, it’s a pay me the fuck more crisis.

  12. When was the last time you saw a European family with many kids?

    When a small circus did build up it’s single tent on an empty low (social housing to be build there next year) in view of one of my windows. Never seen so many kids with so few adults. Why?

    Nobody else would do the hard work of a small circus. You either teach your own kids that this is normal work or you will find zero workers from the outside. You pay 0 into the pension system as a small self employed and have your many kids secure and care for you when you are too old for the circus.

    Having many kids was and is born out of necessity. You need them as workers, care takers, social security or the end product of having no access to pills, condoms and abortions. You let them run around feral once they can run, parentificate the hell out of your oldest daughter and just put them into the world to make use of them.

    Most of Europe has passed this point. People get kids because they want them for personal, not economic reasons. They make the distinct choice to have them and usually put massive economic and social resources into them. That’s why the mean spent time with kids has doubled in the western world (outside of France). That’s why no matter how much you economically uplift people, they will just be content with one or two kids.

    If we don’t become a society if self employed farmers, circus owners and small restaurant/food delivery places, we will not see high fertility rates back ever.

  13. This is actually a worldwide trend.
    You can choose from tons of different theories about why it’s happening.

    You can take the optimistic view that fewer people are better for long-term planetary health. But more urgent questions loom about societal crisis resulting from massive numbers of old people requiring care, and not enough younger people to continue driving economies.

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