Sorry Donnie, they’re just not that into you. (Video in comments)

Sorry Donnie, they’re just not that into you. (Video in comments)

Posted by susierabbit

  1. I support Kamala but I am tired of the lies from both sides. This is a shot two hours before Trump was due on stage and I thought the same thing. I tuned in after he took the stage and it looked pretty full to me.

  2. Imagine going to see your favorite fascist mango and, despite there being plenty of open seats, having to sit further away so it kinda looks like there’s more than there is.

  3. bro, I had more ppl show up to my shitty elementary school play. it had a much livelier crowd, too.

  4. For people looking for a video, if you check OP’s history there’s a deleted comment. That might have been it, but it’s gone now. Anyway know what rally or whatever this is supposed to be so we can try and find more ourselves?

  5. Of course, you liberals look at a photo that the Harris campaign released of the arena two hours before Trump spoke while the arena was just filling up and you jump with glee that the arena isn’t filled. Liberalism is not only a mental illness, but you will fall for ANY lie told to you!


    Be sure to read down to the fourth and fifth paragraphs! Man, I wish the girls back in high school were as easily misled as you liberals are. I’d have gotten a lot more action!

  6. Bad enough having to watch it online, I can’t imagine the levels of hell it would take to attend one in person.

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