New (under construction) London Museum – Victorian underground vaults

“Part of the new museum, due to open in 2026, will be situated underground, at the same level as former Roman streets, the passing Thameslink trains (which will be visible to visitors through a window) and the hidden River Fleet that flows behind thick brick walls just metres away.”

“….. nothing had suggested the sheer scale of the surviving Victorian vaults, a labyrinthine forest of carefully handbuilt arches and columns that stretch across 800 sq metres – an area bigger than three tennis courts – all hiding in one of the busiest parts of central London.”

by Tawny_haired_one

1 comment
  1. >an area bigger than three tennis courts

    I’m sure this was designed to make them sound huge but …tennis courts aren’t that big. In comparison to a residential house, sure 3 tennis courts is a lot of space. But compared to the size of a major museum or a market (the building’s former use) this doesn’t really sound that huge.

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