£320 to get to a path you can publicly access (Bottled water included though)

£320 to get to a path you can publicly access (Bottled water included though)

by Neitzi

  1. It’s for tourists to have someone drive them about without having to worry about public transport.

  2. You’re paying for a private chauffeur to drive, shit like this has always been £2-400 and really only appeals to American/Canadian visitors. Madness, but it exists everywhere.

  3. A lot of people in NI hate to see others gaining success.

    Good on them for seeing a gap in the market and capitalising on it.

  4. There’s plenty of retired Wall Street guys, company execs and other people that have made their fortune that would choose this option. They are here for a good hassle free time. Bonus points for a driver who can tell a few stories and give some local tips.

  5. Maybe the price includes security, last time I was up at the castle a guy tried to throw my mates bike in the water.

  6. I paid a local guide on Barbados £160 to drive me around the island for 3 hours. I could have got their public transport for a tenth of the cost. But I valued my time.
    This is the same thing, there is a market for it.

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