10th Mountain Assault Brigade in CQB, Donetsk

10th Mountain Assault Brigade in CQB, Donetsk

by SmokingBlackSeaFleet

  1. After this war, Ukraine is going to have some of the most elite storm squads on earth. Go git em fucken bastards!

  2. Point man jumping straight into the trench firing away is a level of bravery we can all aspire to.

  3. I’ve never really enjoyed Disturbed until now. The balls on the UAF soldier at 3:30 could be seen from space. Suppressing fire > flank > John Wayne mf

  4. Apart from bravery of Ukrainian solders, the multi-camera angles is truly impressive

  5. Damn that is some of the most powerful and heroic h2h combat footage. As a side note this is filmed in color. 100% carbon battle color.

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