Energy prices forecast to rise by 9% in October

Energy prices forecast to rise by 9% in October

by Osaka_1983

  1. But, but, I was assured that labour would reduce these bills Keir repeatedly told me that in the campaign.

  2. I really must finally shop around, I’ve been on standard British Gas tariff for a decade.

  3. Incase anyone didnt know, we knew the energy prices were going to increase this October. We knew for quite some time, and Rishi Sunak knew this also….. It will no doubt add to inflation figures. I have often wondered if Rishi knew that inflation was going to go back up and thats why he called the election when he did ? guess we will never know.

    But yeah it makes for grim reading when you consider how much the standing charges are these days !

    We’re at the mercy of the weather this autumn and winter, if we have a colder than normal winter it could massive problems for people who have very tight budgets. Nobody in this country should have to choose between heating or eating.

  4. Well, yeah, they have to go up because the companies simply can’t afford to keep going after paying out ridiculous sums as executive bonuses and dividends. You expect the ***companies*** to face the losses? That’s what the public purse is for isn’t it? /s

  5. Pension credit has a very strict cutoff. If you’re 1p over you can’t get it. Full state pension is £221.20 a week you don’t get pension credit as a single if you earn over £218.15 a week.

    So if you’re on your own with a full state pension sorry you’re £3 over bye. If state pension increases and the limit doesn’t then you get… more people kicked off it. Less people eligible for the WFP and other help.

  6. Energy costs relatively fuck all for me, is this likely to impact interest rates in any way?

    Also “energy” is a bit vague, gas or electric? I know the last time there was a change that I bothered looking into that gas increased by quite a bit higher % than electricity did.

  7. I can’t afford this shite anymore

    What’s the point, work work work just to freeze every winter

    I don’t actually see the point in participating in society anymore.

  8. Oh thank god the shareholders are going to make a profit, I was really starting to worry.

  9. Standing charges are a disgrace. At least with energy prices themselves you can try to cut down. Standing charges should be a flat % of the cost of energy used.

  10. Would it be worth switching to octopus and going for a fixed tariff now to avoid this? Currently with Scuntish Power

  11. Ok, so we’re out of our natural environment and expertise here, but…

    Why can’t the government buy energy wholesale and sell it to the public? We’ve lived in an area where oil prices were reduced hugely as the locals got together and bought as a syndicate. Government could do this pretty easily.

    And if the big energy companies don’t want to play fair (let’s face it they’ve made their biggest profits whilst the energy markets were supposedly ‘in crisis’)? Simply tax and regulate them to the point they do play fair or are replaced by a system that will.

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