Diabetes gear & TK instructions

So I got "prescription" for diabetes gear, freestyle libre 3, from my diabetes doctor. He said I need to contact to my insurance company for it.
I did, and I got this mail from them. And I'm a bit lost. Where I can get that, I tried to Google Abbott but it's just manufacturing company for it. And what I could see on their English site they don't sell for individuals.
Can I just walk to pharmacy and get that or what I need to do?

And I'm sorry for this stupid question, but the instructions from everyone has been very strange for me.

by yesreallyitsme

  1. Letters say, you can just send the prescription to the company “Abbott” and after 10 seconds googling “Abbott freestyle”, there was this page:


    Where you can just sent in prescription pretty much with 1 button press (+instructions afterwards).

    Thats what I would do.

  2. I don‘t know how Abbott is handling it. But with our Dexcom, we send Dexcom the prescription and they will ask TK if it is being payed for. Then you receive the sensors.
    Either ask TK or sour diabetes doctor if they have experience with Abbott

  3. Freestyle Libre is primarily sold via their online shop since it is basically a subscription (ie you do get a few packages per year).

    So it works a bit different than a regular Prescription. [Basically go to their website] (https://www.freestylelibre.de/hilfe/rezept-einreichen-einfach-erklaert.html) and follow the instructions.

    Also keep in mind that there is

    a) a copay of 30€ per quarter so you will also have to provide payment information and

    b) I’m not sure if there is an English version of the GERMAN site. This is important because obviously the situation from everything from regulations to available products to insurance and sometimes even the software differs from region to region

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