A massive explosion happened at the oil depot in Proletarsk, Rostov region, Russia which was struck by drones yesterday the 18th. 18 fire fighters were injured.

A massive explosion happened at the oil depot in Proletarsk, Rostov region, Russia which was struck by drones yesterday the 18th. 18 fire fighters were injured.

by Smart-Bonus-6589

  1. Is it one of these drone attacks which have been „successfully intercepted” but „unfortunately remains have fallen onto the target”?

  2. I get the deal that striking oil depots is a military target and cripples the army slowly, but man the environmental damage from this war is just too damn high, without taking civilian life into factor as well

  3. Today I went to the recycling station for about half an hour & sorted out the cardboard, plastic, glass, and metal that I had to dump.

    I’m doing my part! ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)

  4. That’s a large area on the ground that’s all on fire. Whatever was there is not there any more.

  5. A couple of months ago the Pro-RU crowd was claiming that because there was a lull in refinery strikes that russia had manage to stop Ukrainian drones using national guard troops with modern AA stationed around them..

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