Another large explosion at the oil depot in Proletarsk, Rostov region

Another large explosion at the oil depot in Proletarsk, Rostov region

by macktruck6666

  1. So torn- seeing these emissions vs seeing russia burn. I guess I can justify it as if russia collapses then the world should get cleaner overall now that Europe isn’t held hostage to fossil fuels

  2. It’s just the firefighters’ blood alcohol content going up.
    Bless you, boys.😔

  3. I dread to think of the environmental damage Putler has given to this world. What a way to be remembered!

  4. That is not one or two tanks, that is all of them, damn that is one very impressive fire, not seen any so big before.

  5. Putin would be wise to cut his losses and leave the sovereign territory of Ukraine and hope the world forgives him in 75 years.

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