The large russian oil depot in Rostov hit by Ukrainian attack drones yesterday was still burning this morning and now has suffered a catastrophic secondary explosion. A several-hundred-foot-tall column of flames could be seen rising over the depot

The large russian oil depot in Rostov hit by Ukrainian attack drones yesterday was still burning this morning and now has suffered a catastrophic secondary explosion. A several-hundred-foot-tall column of flames could be seen rising over the depot

by TotalSpaceNut

  1. Someone couldn’t get the heat beads on their BBQ burning. Just buy fresh ones next time, spraying kerosene on them is not the solution.

  2. Poof. All that evil oil money up in smoke, literally. That’s probably another tank that Russia can’t afford to make now, another nail in the coffin for the Russian economy which is experiencing 9% inflation despite an 18% interest rate.

    Every action like this prevents another Russian atrocity on Ukrainian soil. Let’s keep it up.

  3. The fastest way to put out these kinds of fires is … I don’t know … leaving Ukraine!?

  4. Perfect anologie of Putin currently trying not to aknowledge the situation in Kursk.
    let’s be hopfull and they keep thinking like that

  5. Hahaha. I saw the satelite photos yesterday and felled a bit underwhemed when i saw something like 30 big tanks and realized ‘only’ 2 were burning

  6. Thats not far off a total loss for the storage units. Only a few more on the right are left. Hopefully this was a significant loss. Sadly we are a long way from seeing broken down military vehicles with no fuel

  7. You’d think that russia would have used those T-chassis with MiG engines on top that they used to put out oilwell fires by now

  8. Wow. I looked at the after pictures of the last oil storage in Rostov burning and it was a bit disappointing. But here it looks like the whole facility might get destroyed. If the other tanks have fuel I don’t see how they save them with this heat.

  9. There was no drone attack, just Ivan having a cigarette in restricted area, nothing to see here.

  10. Stop their income! Then it’s over and Putin will be shoot be closed „friend“!

  11. Oh no! Anyway… *****

    **^(*)** ^(get out of Ukraine and this might well go away. Just sayin’)

  12. Phew, the Russian’s are lucky it was only downed drone debris that hit it, and not the drone itself /s

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