One dead and six people missing after tornado sinks luxury yacht off Sicily

One dead and six people missing after tornado sinks luxury yacht off Sicily

by Illustrious_Diver_37

  1. Rich people dying horrible deaths while doing rich people things is my favorite form of kafkaesk justice

  2. According to other sources it was anchored 300 away from the port, and the tornado hit the ship and sunk it by 4am. Another ship that was anchored nearby assisted them. Such a tragedy, and how unlucky they were

  3. Incoming cheers from people so unsuccessful they enjoy when successful people die lol

  4. I wasn’t paying attention and read ‘torpedo’ instead of ‘tornado’ and was very worried!

  5. Twenty-two people on-board seems a lot for a 49ft sailing yacht? Typical capacity would be 10-12, but I dont know the make of the one involved.

  6. According to this thread, if I win the lottery tomorrow I instantly become evil and deserving of death…

  7. >There are currently six missing, one crew member and five passengers.

    Fuck, I feel so bad for that crew member. Probably the only one who didn’t know anyone there.

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