Ukraine incursion into Russia aims to create a ‘buffer zone’ | DW News

Ukraine incursion into Russia aims to create a ‘buffer zone’ | DW News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says the aim of their surprise incursion into Russia is to create a buffer zone. He said, “our primary task is to destroy as much Russian war potential as possible.”This comes after Kyiv’s forces say they have destroyed a second bridge in the Kursk region in an attempt to disrupt Moscow’s combat operations and supply routes. Over a hundred drones have also targeted Russian air bases. Russia has been using these bases to launch aerial strikes into Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Now Ukraine is hoping their offensive will help counter Russia’s war planes.

00:00 Ukraine out to create a buffer zone in Russia
03:28 DW speaks with Fabrice Pothier, former director of strategic policy planning at NATO, currently in charge of Rasmussen Global, an international affairs consultancy


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  1. The withdrawal of Russian forces from the Kursk region is a gesture of goodwill to create favourable conditions for Russia-Ukraine talks, Kremlin spokesperson said

  2. Rus can have no qualms. It's war.
    That said, I cannot think of a more silly thing for the Ukrainians to do. They've now parked substantial number of their best brigades in the woods somewhere off field. And for a long time at that.
    And I hear we're now building some big military center in Romania. That's another war in 20 years time.

  3. This concept of Ukraine creating a buffer zone through the Kursk incursion is rather ludicrous. Has anyone at Deutsche Welle taken a look at the length of the Russian-Ukrainian border in this northern area between the nations? Russia has plenty of options regarding mounting offensives there. In any case, the Ukrainians will continue to be overwhelmed by Russia's vastly superior resources, manpower, military industrial complex production of drones, missiles and munitions, and so forth. The regime in Kiev is fast running out of trained manpower, dragging hapless souls off the street, poorly training them for a week or two then sending them to die when faced with battle-hardened and well-trained Russian troops. No amount of the now rapidly decreasing (and unaffordable) support from the western sponsors of the regime will work to any great effect. When the western sanctions failed to undermine the Russian economy and when the most important allies of Russia stuck with it rather than join the western powers against Russia it was all essentially over at that point. Without NATO entering the conflict in force the Kiev regime was ALWAYS going to lose, buffer zones or not.

  4. Putin is letty them inside Russian territory. There's something wrong. It's a Trap by Putin. Ukrainian forces Will be surprised when Russian forces move to wipe them off.

  5. In the grand scheme of things, this incursion actually makes Russia right. Notice, I did not say they were in the right.
    Russia's border is just too God damn long to guard. Imagine if they had to have a couple of brigades for every 50 km of border or so. Cannot be done. Russia cannot let NATO in Ukraine. All the rest Ukraine can choose, but this will never pass.
    (That I don't see why I'd want NATO in Ukraine and nobody listens is another matter. Not for my sake, not for Ukrainians sake and not for the Russians sake. It serves absolutely nobody. Arms dealers possibly.)

  6. I just can't understand why the West doesn't give Ukraine the weapons they need. Are they poor or they don't want Ukraine to win, or in case of the worst scenario russia wins then punishes the states wich helped Ukraine. Is anyone so dumb to think like that.

  7. that Ukraine force was destroyed 2 days ago now they diddent have the troops for it and was meant to force Russia to move troops from the Dombas area but failed as Russia brought in 30.000 reinforcements in from inside Russia so the Ukraine force pushed back

  8. What is this obsession with Ukraine by the West. It is neither a member of the EU or NATO. Why did NATO with the blessing of the US and UK expand, country by country eastwards, even after Russia warned them that this would become an existential threat. Today they are on ,Russia's doorstep, after first doing regime change in Ukraine in 2014. Trained and armed them to the hilt like they are doing in Taiwan, Israel and now in the Philippines, building even more military bases to attack China. Looked the other way while Ukraine murdered over 14000 ethnic Russians in the Donbass. Refused to implement the UN agreed Minsk agreements. Sent Boris to Kiev to prevent them from signing a peace agreement brokered in Istanbul, promising them endless money, weapons and support, "for as long as it takes" Ukraine is just a battering ram to weaken Russia. It has for centuries been the aim to destroy Russia. Move in, do regime change, divide the country into small pieces and plunder all its vast natural resources Not gong to happen unless we in the West desperately want to enjoy a wonderful nuclear winter and that will include the US. Just the way I see it.

  9. Some state considers the whole hemisphere as a buffer zone and we have no objections. Why can't Zelensky have his own small buffer zone? Moreover, it doesn't cost much money and Ukrainians and is much more spectacular than the Olympics.

  10. UKRAINE IS HOLDING THE FRONT LINE OF DEFENSE FOR NATO and EUROPE AGAINST PUTIN'S AGGRESSION TO REBUILD THE USSR. ALL the HUMAN COSTS are being PAID by Ukrainians. Biden/Harris and NATO give Ukrainian the munitions they need to WIN the war against Russia? WEST and NATO, give Ukraine permission to use all munitions and missiles on Russian MILLITARY targets?

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