SNP branch calls for Angus Robertson to be sacked from cabinet role

SNP branch calls for Angus Robertson to be sacked from cabinet role

by GlanAgusTreun

  1. Rightly so.

    Robertson is another bloated dinosaur tainted by the scandals of previous leaders.

    We need to get rid of those who undermine the cause of Scotland and independence by using the party for their own agenda.

  2. I am really trying to understand the extent of the backlash here. Not an independence supporter, but if Scotland is independent wouldn’t you expect them to meet with officials from countries that we have a profound disagreement (or even disgust) with?

    If the SNP was say in charge of the UK, would you not expect an element of diplomacy to try and at least mitigate the suffering of Palestinians within the context of the reality faced. That is what, as David Lammy called it, ‘progressive realism’. International diplomacy is about working within the confides of the world we face, not the world we wish we lived in.

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