Far-Right leaders stoke racial tension in Spain after murder of 11-year-old

Far-Right leaders stoke racial tension in Spain after murder of 11-year-old


by TheTelegraph

  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    Far-Right groups in Spain have seized on the murder of an 11-year-old boy to stoke anti-immigration tensions.

    In an incident with similarities to the recent UK killings in Southport, police have launched a manhunt to catch an unidentified knifeman who stabbed the child to death on Sunday.

    The far-Right Falange party immediately tried to connect the murder with high levels of immigration in Spain. Falange is a continuation of the fascist organisation founded in the 1930s, which later formed the political structure of the dictatorship of [Francisco Franco](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/07/20/spain-makes-crime-express-support-franco/). It has for the most part been marginalised in modern Spain.

    The victim, named only as Mateo, was playing football at a sports complex in the village of Mocejon, near Toledo, when a masked man burst onto the field and stabbed him multiple times, causing almost instant death.

    The killer escaped, and his whereabouts remained unknown on Monday.

    On Sunday, online agitators flagged the fact that 50 immigrant minors are being housed in a hotel in Mocejon. In response to the killing, the Falange party posted on X, formerly Twitter: “Massive, uncontrolled and illegal immigration has brought total insecurity to the streets of our cities, where attacks and murders occur almost daily.”

    **Read more:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/08/19/far-right-stoke-racial-tension-spain-murder-11-yr-old/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/08/19/far-right-stoke-racial-tension-spain-murder-11-yr-old/)

  2. shouldn’t the bigger topic be how and why someone – regardless of background – could murder a child in broad daylight?

  3. It seems the far right is using every occasion where immigrants execute children as an excuse for hate speech.

  4. this raises the question, what is the basis for calling the attacker a migrant or even a foreigner?

  5. At this point I wouldn’t be shocked if those far right patriots, Europe wide, do those crimes themselves just to gather votes for their delusional ideology.

  6. “The far-Right Falange party immediately tried to connect the murder with high levels of immigration in Spain. ”

    If they cannot name the political party, then how do they know if its far right…

    (There are two parties they can name, and only one of them is far right).

  7. The focus of the article should be that an 11 year old was murdered by someone who is still on the run

  8. Far-right jerks are a bunch of tiny dick cowards that never achieved and will never achieve anything. It should be a crime to support any extreme ideology, in regardless of it’s position in the political spectrum.

  9. A kid dies and you still talking about “far right” and “migrants”.

    The victim here is the boy who was KILLED stop making the issue always about “far right” and “migrants”.

  10. A child was murdered, but never mind, the bigger problem is that a far right leader scores a point in the debate?

  11. An 11 year was murdered and all the CIA globalist propaganda bots can muster is to direct our attention to focus on the far right. Really?

  12. It’s always the same with the far-right. If the murderer ends up being a migrant: “HA WE TOLD YOU SO, GET THEM DEPORTED!!” if he’s not a migrant: “well these things happen, it’s an isolated incident!”. Bah.

  13. The killer is still unidentified but you know what, that’s not gonna stop far right groups to play on people’s fear and anger. What a bunch of disgusting twats, they don’t care about the boy who died. What comes next ? People attacking peaceful muslims citizens and burning a library or a hateful and ignorant Elon tweet ?

    Right now the only thing anyone should care about is catching the person who did this and bring them to justice, bringing a bit of peace to the family of the kid and the community that lives there. Any political parties that are using this story right now are just vile and disgusting, no matter left or right.

  14. No wonder.

    The propaganda campaign in UK after Southport murder was extremaly effective in inciting hate and riots.

    So it is being copied in Spain

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