Professor Michael Clarke: ‘Is the battle of the bridges beginning?’ | Ukraine-Russia war

Professor Michael Clarke: ‘Is the battle of the bridges beginning?’ | Ukraine-Russia war

The attack on a third bridge in the Russian region of Kursk will hinder Moscow’s efforts to stop Ukraine’s advance, Sky’s defence and security analyst Professor Michael Clarke says.

Russia says a third bridge has been struck in Kursk, on the border with Ukraine, which Kyiv invaded two weeks ago.

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  1. If the Ukrainians could reach Belgorod, they might be able to attack from behind the Russian troops that are fighting in the Donbass… but that would be a huge effort I assume

  2. “Fight well but losing slowly”… Well, that statement isn’t going to go well either Ukrainian supporters. Professor Clarke is speaking just facts. This isn’t the early weeks of the war where a clear picture of what’s going on was available. Russia is slowly gaining ground in the Donbas. Ukrainians have said it themselves.

    Opening a new front in Kursk in hopes of forcing Russia to redeploy “better” troops away from other fronts. That’s a sign that the Donbas is in trouble.

  3. Even if the pressure isnt relieved in the Donetsk, it,s putting pressure on Putin himself. Inflation is going to bring him down. Ukraine just has to sabotage supply lines, airfields, power plants, railroads, etc. And the price of basic necessities will shoot up. Itll be a very cold ruzzian winter.

  4. All the Russian Bots that are calling this incursion " The Battle of the Bulge" have all spelled the word "Bridges" wrong. Doesn't Russia have anyone capable of teaching English correctly? Geez!

  5. Well, as long as Putin remains in power (who after Pridghozjin dares now try to do a coup?) and with FSB having taken over the Kursk area sidelining General Gerasimov who together with the Duma forced Putin into a long war after the gaspipeline attack Putin can militarily keep defending Kursk at a low key as long as the progress in the Donbass however slow is still made.

    As soon as that attack by Putin stalls Putin will again try to nuke NATO into neutrality. Via a false flag nuke attack by the Ukranians. That everyone knows it was Putin yet, when indeed probably succesfull in having Biden throw in the towel. The only thing Putin needs to do is prove that he wasn't bluffing about the use of nukes.

    When Russian troops even of poor quality march toward Kalingrad it then is nigh certain that Putin will initiate the first plan that Pridghozjin who was in the know after his failed coup attempt tried to restart.

    No doubt Gerasimov and the Duma still wanted the long war. Now Gerasimov is gone from the Kursk area the qiestion is if Putin backed by FSB indeed has the power to launch nukes?

  6. Look at what's happening on the actual front lines in ex-Ukrainian territory. This PR stunt has cost Ukraine any potential future now.

  7. Always remember that the Russian General Staff re-ignited this war by invading Ukraine while leaving their fuel and food behind. This forced a disastrous retreat and heavy loss of men and equipment. Two and a half years later and these Generals are just being fired. Right now, Russian troops in the Donbas don’t have enough clean water to drink. This is a clown show and the only thing perpetuating it is the amount of Russian flesh Putin is willing to sacrifice.

  8. A retreating army destroys bridges to slow down the pursuit of it. In other words Ukraine failed in an assault operation (Kursk NPP) that has cost them dearly in terms of Nato trained manpower and Nato supplied equipment.

  9. If Ukraine thinks they are going to achieve a win,They are dumb,The reality is this if Russia gets to point they consider Ukraine are being to big of a pain,They will just launch missiles but this time it will be utter destruction

  10. A college/university level course on the Russian invasion of Ukraine would be wonderfull, i.e. not a vignette of his YT remarks. But a thorough and rigorous proper course of 22 lectures (one semester) or 44 lectures (year).

  11. Russia can¨t send reinforcements from Moscow. I think the main goal to take Kursk was to make Russians fighting in Ukraine retreat to Russia so Ukraine can take it¨s land back. It was a good strategy move from Ukraine because Russia didn¨t expect it.

  12. There is nothing Russian in Muscovy whatsoever. Ukrainian forces are liberating a historically and ethnically Ukrainian region called Slobodskaja Ukraina that was occupied by Muscovy since 1918. Kureskъ, Ryleskъ, Sudža, Olgovъ and more are early medieval Severian, Ukrainian towns predating Moskva for centuries.

  13. Zelensky needs to address families of captured Russians….Meta AI says…Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine, has made a significant effort to communicate with the Russian public directly, often broadcasting in the Russian language. Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, he has:

    – Addressed the Russian people directly in Russian via social media and televised broadcasts
    – Spoken Russian in interviews with Russian media outlets and journalists
    – Used Russian-language social media posts to reach a broader audience

    Frequency-wise, it's difficult to provide an exact number, as it varies. However, here are some rough estimates based on publicly available data:

    – During the first month of the war (February-March 2022), Zelensky addressed the Russian people in Russian around 10-15 times.
    – Between April and June 2022, he made around 5-10 Russian-language broadcasts per month.
    – Since July 2022, the frequency has decreased slightly, with around 2-5 Russian-language broadcasts per month.

    Keep in mind that these estimates may not be exhaustive, as they're based on publicly available data. Zelensky's team may have released additional statements or interviews in Russian that aren't widely reported.

    Zelensky's decision to communicate in Russian is a strategic move to:

    – Reach Russian citizens directly, bypassing state-controlled media
    – Counter Russian propaganda and disinformation
    – Appeal to Russian soldiers and their families
    – Promote a message of peace and diplomacy

    By speaking Russian, Zelensky aims to create a distinction between the Russian government's actions and the Russian people, emphasizing that Ukraine's conflict is with the Russian leadership, not the Russian people.

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