NYT-Reporter wegen Weitergabe persönlicher Daten australischer Juden disziplinarisch belangt

NYT-Reporter wegen Weitergabe persönlicher Daten australischer Juden disziplinarisch belangt


  1. The NYT has become a shell of its former self. It’s now just a tabloid with a fancy name. Sad. 

  2. It seems very unprofessional to share this type of confidential data even if the journalist tries to excuse herself by saying it was just one person. I really don’t see why you would do that other than causing damage to the people whose information you leaked.

  3. “Appropriate action”. Yet she remains on staff. So the appropriate action was nothing of any consequence. What a joke. The NYT has nailed their antisemitic colours to the mast.

  4. The NY Times is NOT serious. Natasha Frost gets to keep her job despite the death threats and vandalism and ongoing harassment to families and individuals resulting from her actions.

  5. *”I shared this document with one individual,” Frost said, expressing regret for her actions. “Its subsequent dissemination and misuse happened entirely without my knowledge or consent. I was shocked by these events, which put me and many others at terrible risk. I deeply regret my decision.”*

    What the hell did she think was going to happen, handing a bunch of Jews’ personal information over to an anti-Israel activist?

  6. How was she disciplined?

    Here’s her story from this morning: [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/19/briefing/democratic-national-convention-blinken-ukraine.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/19/briefing/democratic-national-convention-blinken-ukraine.html)

    So she hasn’t even been suspended. How do readers in Europe trust the NY Times if their morning briefing person created a doxing episode so bad that it led to a movement to change privacy laws in Australia?

  7. This person should have been fired and there should be criminal charges filed. This isn’t some small issue but rather extremely dangerous.

  8. NY Times needs to put a swastika on their logo, that’s who they appear to be now.

  9. That piece of shit “reporter” should be prosecuted, arrested and locked up. Her actions led to Jews getting death threats and constant harassment.

  10. Doxxing hundreds of people because their ethnicity and she just gets disciplined? This is fucking insane.

  11. Clearly attacking Australian Jews and calling them baby killing genocides helps deal with the situation on the other side of the fucking planet… Really hard is it to separate the religion from the people who live in the nation?

  12. Her NYT’s page is quite laughable.

    > I strive for accuracy, fairness and neutrality in my reporting

  13. Not trying to take sides, but I read that as an Australians personal information has been leaked. Not cool mate.

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