Tell me your daddy paid for your business degree without telling me your daddy paid for your business degree

Tell me your daddy paid for your business degree without telling me your daddy paid for your business degree

Posted by 8-bit-Felix

  1. Professor Kelley at Wharton taught Trump and called him the dumbest motherfucker in the room. Technically Kelley said, “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had!” but the spirit is the same.

  2. “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” -Dr. William T. Kelley, professor at Wharton School of Business

  3. One of the few bright spots of the rise of Trump is that for years my boss would brag about being a Wharton school of business graduate and now he doesn’t do that anymore because we say “yeah you and Trump” when he does and he gets quiet

  4. Who knew that the documentary which would best explain America in the 2020’s would be Idiocracy?

  5. China won’t pay a dime on those tariffs. They’ll laugh at Traitor Trump and raise their prices so that AMERICANS will be punished by Trump.

    He’s so PAINFULLY stupid.

  6. I mean, he truly believe that if he will put 10% tariffs on Chinese sneakers, Chinese distributor wont increase the price by 10%

    Weird guy

  7. Cue Ginormous Facepalm moment.

    Sad fact is he will first deny he is wrong and later deny he said it before ultimately denying there is any such thing as a Tarrif.

  8. For eight years he’s been talking about tariffs and he still doesn’t know how they work.

  9. He has a business degree. Hahahahah………
    His institute should withdraw his degree.

  10. Don’t people realize that if a president believes this that it is a serious problem?

    No if we add money to the cost of a product it costs the buyers more. It will make it so the foreign countries sell less in our country. Conceptually, can we then manufacture here as those items cost more? Possibly, but it will still cost the consumers more.

  11. Thing costs $10.

    On its way to the US, Trump adds a tariff of 10%.

    Thing now costs $11.

    It’s a tax that you pay.

  12. What amazes me is the Southern states had a big squabble with Andrew Jackson over tariffs. The south wanted cheaper European made goods. The federal government was putting tariffs on them to try and get them to buy goods made in Northern states. Got to a point where Jackson was almost about to send troops into South Carolina to get them to comply. I would have thought the rebel history aficionados that love a certain battle flag so much wouldn’t like the word tariff very much.

  13. Anyone who says “it’s basic economics”, or “its economy 101” when referring to international commerce is an idiot who doesn’t know that there are intricacies involved and concessions on one or both parts, and its not simply, i pay X and get X worth of product or service.
    but we’ve already been down this road when trump tried to win a tarrif war with china and had to bail out american farmers to the tune of 30 billion.

  14. A tariff is a tax on imported goods to protect American manufacturing. Tariffs have been an absolute failure in the 21st century following all of these trade agreements.

  15. Listen, if you thought he was going to build a wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it? You may be a moron. If you think declaring 6 bankruptcy’s is a sign of a business genius, you may be a moron.

  16. Daddy bought Donald’s way in Wharton. Older sister did Donnie’s homework. And that’s just for BA – NOT the prestigious MBA that is the basis of Wharton’s stellar reputation. What a poser.

  17. I’m convinced he always talks about tariffs because they’re only thing he remembers from Econ 101

  18. Canada has used tariffs in that dumbass way to try to make us less reliant on the us. Now we are more than ever and everything costs double what it should 🙂

  19. He doesn’t care if what he says is correct. He just cares that his supporters believe it’s correct.

  20. I enjoy how he always references his *Uncle* to try and make himself look smart.

    Like, yeah, I don’t doubt an MIT professor is or was very intelligent. But you, sir, are not an MIT professor. I know lots of people who have intelligent aunts and uncles, but they’re still dumb as a rock.

    Hell, my oldest sister was valedictorian graduating high school, but my other sister dropped out of high school and got a GED.

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