Where was this brutal bit of scumbaggery?

Video is doing the rounds on Whatsapp. Also different angle one of it that lasts a bit longer. Wondering if the two fellas are ok?

by Ch0pp3rR33d

  1. Fucken hell. Those collapses are literally the head bangs that can kill people. Both are clearly drunk.

  2. That was a pretty solid contact your boys head made with the concrete 😬 grim that

  3. Never a good thing when you hear a head clatterin’ off the ground like that. These guys might have kids at home who are gonna be wondering why Daddy looks all fucked up, the morning after.

  4. Jesus that’s horrible, that could easily have been two maybe even 3 fatalities, especially with the way that one fella smacked his head off the ground.

    People start swinging their fists with no real thought and they don’t realise how fragile life is. If you upper cut somebody under the chin hard enough they could be dead before they hit the ground. If someone is knocked out and falls hitting the back of their head they could be in a coma for the rest of their lives or paralysed.

  5. They’re mummy’s say they are all a bunch of angles and wouldn’t hurt a fly

  6. Fuck me the power in the toss he gave to the shitebag that stomped yer mans bollox

  7. Takes a special kind of dweeb to stamp on someone’s balls while they’re lying on the ground.

  8. Just outside the shamrock llf, REBEL SUNDAYS.

    As a fellow ardoyne resident, this particular spot is a cesspit. Feel for the surrounding neighbours having to do with this

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