Hamas bezeichnet Explosion in Tel Aviv als versuchten Selbstmordanschlag und kündigt weitere Anschläge an

Hamas bezeichnet Explosion in Tel Aviv als versuchten Selbstmordanschlag und kündigt weitere Anschläge an


  1. “attempted suicide bombing”

    How badly can you screw that up?

    Reminds me of the story about the suicide bomber whose vest blew up because the cell phone got a spam text message.

  2. Just waiting to see how the “pro-Palestine” crowd spins this as being Israel’s fault

  3. “Haha what a poorly written title, makes it sound like Hamas is saying they want to do more suicide bombings”

    Oh wait, that’s exactly what they’re saying…

  4. Looks like war never left the menu boys!!!

    Can’t wait for all the dnc protestors to cry about Israel is curb stomping Hamas. 

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