“Boys, dear children, God bless you! I’ll go hug you,” a woman in the Kursk region receives humanitarian aid from the Ukrainians.

“Boys, dear children, God bless you! I’ll go hug you,” a woman in the Kursk region receives humanitarian aid from the Ukrainians.

by VladislavLevandovski

  1. Putin was right about Ukrainians being brothers, he just didn’t understand what that actually means. Браво!

  2. The lady did not lose her house and got 10,000 rubles worth of goods that Putin promised for the Evacuated people… this is a good win.

  3. 1 month before :”Death to all Ukrainan Nazis, let the rot, etc ..”

    now : “God bless you!”

    After giving her the humanitarian aid, I would have mentioned :”this if from the orphan children of Ukraine and the parents who lots their children because of your leader”

  4. Noticed the word люди (“people”) written at the door to indicate civilians. Saw many videos where Ukrainians had written the same (or “children”), but it didn’t help them to survive. Same idea, very different outcome …

  5. Ukrainians are eventually going to pull out of that region, even if its after the war is over, and she will be tormented by her neighbors for expressing this on camera. russians are nothing if not vindictive towards those they irrationally hate.

  6. Russian expectations when they arrive into Ukraine for denazification: flowers and a lot of joy. Result: kaboom them.
    When ukraine arrives for denazification of Russia: joy and happiness. Result: joy and happiness

  7. I feel like the way she took the items was interesting. She took the top few and looked ready to back away, like she’s used to supplies being handed out in a “Take this, back off” way.

    Followed by him kind of moving the box in a “No, take the whole thing” way. Could be reading it wrong, but how I saw it.

  8. She immediately and seemingly scared about it hides the box out of sight so her neighbors don’t see it…

  9. In thousands of videos here and on Telegram I haven’t seen Russian army helping Russians who were waiting occupation in Bahmut and other villages. So yes, orcs.

  10. Now compare this to when Russia invaded Ukraine, raping and pillaging. They call Ukraine Nazi’s, they need to take a long look in the mirror?

  11. I know I keep repeating myself. But, winning the hearts and minds of the local population goes a long way toward peace. Hopefully they get enough aid in there regardless of who they are. Hearts and Minds baby.

  12. Poor lady is gonna end up in prison on some terrorism charge by taking support from the Ukrainians.

  13. I have a question. Not to rain on the parade, but aside from pretending to be thankful, don’t they also blame Ukraine for supplies being short? I’m not quite following the thread.

  14. Remember when the Russians arrive civilians in the Ukrain and raping every female, from newborns till 90 year olds.

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