They poked the bear

They poked the bear

Posted by jesus_smoked_weed

  1. Pretty weird for such an old man to obsess over a pop star loved by girls so much.

  2. Does anyone know why maga are so weird because Trump tells lies all the time and they are in love with him I don’t get it

  3. Can someone explain what they MAGA folks did this time? I know they pissed her off before. What did they do as of today, Aug 19, 2024?

  4. I hope they try to use a tool song in their campaign next. That will be real fun for them

  5. Those AI generation have got to be one of their dumber tactics. Like, are they just hoping Taylor is not going to call out this BS?

  6. Oh man, if someone could get the swifties to mobilize and become a political force there’s no telling how they could reshape American politics. It’s not just teenage girls, but lots of women under 50. Take my wife for example. She’s 45 has multiple advanced degrees and is in a profession where critical thinking is required. Not a demographic that strongly supports republican politics at the get go, but if young girls mobilize my wife would be on the front lines providing an example and mentorship for the youngsters coming up behind her. She saw the wreckage the boomers have left in her industry and her professional goal is to make more opportunity behind her than she had when she was coming up.

  7. She can do the most damage if she stays cool until October and then endorses Kamala. If she does it now she will be overshadowed by the DNC.

  8. Just saw a plus 80 year old come into our office. His even older wife was wearing a “God and Guns” shirt and he was wearing a “ 2024 Trump Train” shirt. These are his voters. They’re idiots. They’ve been telling anyone that will listen that they can’t wait to vote. On the bright side, they’re probably going to be waiting the next five to six hours in our waiting room for their turn because “we’re running a little bit behind today.”

  9. Tay Tay is out there! She can’t be bargained with. She can’t be reasoned with. She doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And she absolutely will not stop. Ever until you are dancing like you are 22.

  10. They have been in fear of the Taylor Swift endorsement bomb and they are trying to mess with the timing, hoping it will happen too soon and forgotten by November.

  11. She looks way too much like his daughter for him not to obsess over her. His daughter has to secretly hate him, right?

  12. A guy cosplaying as a billionaire is about to learn what happens when you offend an actual billionaire.

  13. Either Trump is desperate and he made this up entirely **or** he fell for an AI generated post.

    Neither answer looks good for MAGA.

    Especially after all of the Taylor Swift bashing they did.

  14. I don’t even like Taylor Swift. But there’s no goddamned way her fanbase would ever support Trump.

    He stands for everything they hate

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