‘This is Just Getting Tragic’: Online Fury Erupts Over Trump’s ‘Swifties For Trump’ Hoax

‘This is Just Getting Tragic’: Online Fury Erupts Over Trump’s ‘Swifties For Trump’ Hoax

‘This is Just Getting Tragic’: Online Fury Erupts Over Trump’s ‘Swifties For Trump’ Hoax

Posted by inewser

  1. Option 1 – the orange felon thought the post was real. His cult worships an idiot.

    Option 2 – he knew it was fake but knows his cult is dumb enough to believe anything he says.

  2. Beloved pop superstar with a huge fanbase not endorsing/supporting your political campaign? No problem! Just fake up a bunch of images and video of them doing it anyway!

    “Hey, isn’t that illegal?”, you might ask?

    Who fucking cares?!! When you’ve already committed a shitload of other crimes years ago and they still can’t even manage to get those trials going to hold you accountable for the really bad shit you already did, do you really think they’ll jump right on these new crimes? Trump knows that he’s essentially untouchable no matter WHAT he does. He doesn’t give a fuck. His plan is the same as it’s always been “keep flooding the zone with shit”.

  3. great way to guarantee she shows up at the DNC to endorse kamala now, you orange jackass…

  4. Taylor was keeping silent and Trump is trying to force her to take a public position? What type of strategy is this? The old “roll your naked body in sugar then whack a wasp nest with a stick and hope for positive results” trick?

  5. No, it was tragic in 2016.

    The guy has gotten beyond weird and needs help. Desperately.

  6. He has underestimated the power of Taylor Swift and her fan base. Keep doing it Donnie, so weird.

  7. It’s been sad since he first rode down that stupid escalator in 2015. It’s been sad since 40% of the country sold their souls to him and made rabid support of him their entire personalities.

  8. This is going to backfire immensely for Trump. Definitely one of those moments where a little discipline with the social media trigger fingers would have prevented disaster.

    The swiftie voter block is probably the scariest in the country, and he just awoken a sleeping giant.

  9. This is not poking the bear. It’s putting your head in the mouth of the world’s largest starving crocodile!

  10. He has nothing to lose. Crimes or violating civil rights is just another day with an army of (unpaid) lawyers willing to risk their careers defending it. If he wins, it all goes away. If he loses, he’ll just deny complain then blame. “I never did that. It wasn’t me. I was a victim”. Calls Mel, “hello hello…..huh what??”

  11. Using AI to generate or spread false endorsements should be election interference / fraud if it isn’t already.

  12. In all serious, is this dementia or some type of paranoid disorder? He has been much more bizarre this election and going down like a dumpster fire at record speeds 🙄

  13. Taylor Swift, who is famously litigious… I hope they televise the trial like Johnny Depp’s & Gwynneth Paltrow’s

  14. I don’t think there’s enough popcorn in the world for the shit storm this is going to kick up. I don’t even need to see the trailers to know this is going to be a blockbuster. I sure do hope she hits back with both barrels!

  15. Don’t forget 8 million new voters come of age this year and over half of them are women right in her target audience

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