Dramatic video shows Ukrainian troops blowing up bridge in Kursk region

Dramatic video shows Ukrainian troops blowing up bridge in Kursk region

Former US Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor reacts to Ukrainian troops blowing up a second bridge in the Kursk Russian territory. #CNN #News

  1. I went to Russia twice from the USA.

    – MOSCOW to Ekatringburg, Siberia, and back (adopted a infant girl).

    – Moscow, Novosibirsk, Siberia (adopted an infant boy).

    I felt like I was somehow time travelled back to the 1930s…whilst it was 1997/1998.

    Both are 27 years old now, living peacefully, and thriving in the USA – now. Especially my son, is not a dead Russian soldier, or alive Russian soldier trying to kill others!

    By my daughter, I have two cutey granddaughters!

    That's how it should be over there after the Soviet Union ended: peace, tranquility, growing friendlier everyday – not this "SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATION" (War like fighting by any other name, is still war)!😢

  2. Just imagine if all nations had invested the vast resources that they have into the arms race into some other kind of race.
    Like a green energy race.
    A race to see who could provide the best standard of living for their people.
    A race to educate and train the most highly skilled doctors and other professionals.
    A race to see who could provide the most advanced and affordable medical care.
    A race to see who could provide the most energy efficient and best designed housing for all of their population.
    A race for a cure for cancer.
    A race to see who could build the most efficient and best infrastructure.
    A race for kindness, compassion and caring amongst their people.
    A race for the happiest, well adjusted families.
    What a world we'd be seeing.
    But no, instead of that, we race to see who can develop and use the most advanced weapons to kill people and to fight between each other at the expense of all including our one and only habitable planet.

  3. NATO forces were involved in this.

    As Scott Ritter stated, "NATO attacked Russia. NATO ATTACKED RUSSIA!!"

    Russia will not tolerate this.

    Russia had fair and easy to meet demands BEFORE their special military operation, but the West rejected this.

    Putin offered Ukraine terms shortly after their incursion, and Zelensky (the non democratic leader of corrupted Ukraine – don't forget the USA supported coup d'etats that ousted democratically elected Victor Yanukovych) agreed to the terms, but the UK's Boris goofbag Johnson flew to Ukraine and pressured Zelensky into rejecting the agreement.

    The West and NATO, led by USA, is terribly in the wrong on this issue, as they are wrong regarding Palestine and the g3n0c1de there by the Evil Zionist regime.

  4. Ah yes…blaming the west is pure Russian propaganda. We're not responsible for all the weapons that we're sending over to Ukraine…

  5. Everyone was dancing 💃🕺until the Russians blow up the dam.. at some point if Ukraine🇺🇦 starts willing I WOULD SAY fffk it just N the forces inside my country and end the war!! Technically you can’t blame America for N the jap crap 💩inside AMERICA🇺🇸..now outside that’s another legal battle!!!!

  6. This is an EPIC move by Ukraine, Russia was just sitting back and lobbing munitions over the border, by doing this they have effectively CHANGED the front line, allowing them to shore up their defensive line, embarrass Putin, and raise moral. Put that on top of the fact that Russia is having to pull front line troops from the east eases the pressure felt there after months of tough fighting. Add to that them now cutting ALL THREE bridges and railways that Russia used to move their hardware and ammunition to the eastern front…brilliant…just brilliant!!

  7. Malum In Se/Malum Prohibitum

    Nothing moral requires authority. Authority is the claim to the exclusive exemption to morality. It is a monopoly on violence. Violence is a violation because it is the initiation of aggression, not self-defense. Offense/defense are ontologically distinct. All crime has a legal equivalent (ie, taxation is extortion).

    Every government is founded on Ad Baculum.

    Petitio Principii can and will be used against you.

    Warren v. District of Columbia
    Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales
    DeShaney v. Winnebago County
    Lozito v. New York City
    Salinas v. Texas

    You are legally compelled via the logical fallacies Ad Populum, Ad Baculum and Ad Verecundiam to pay for protection that they are not legally obligated to provide. That's a mafia.

    The highest Abrahamic value is Ignorance of Good and Evil. It's right there in Genesis. They worship Yaldabaoth, God of the Scapegoaters: God blames Man; Man blames Woman; Woman blames Serpent; Serpent blames God, more accurately – the Serpent defines God.

    God Condones Child Rape
    No.s 31: 17-18

    God Condones Rape
    Deut. 22: 28-29

    God Condones Abortion
    No.s 5: 11-31

    Unquestioning Obedience to Government
    Rom.s 13: 1-7

    Ritualistic classifying surgery as a means of psychic castration, like circumcision and sub-incision, are hallmarks of patriarchal culture, a demonstration to the young that the venerable old ones still wield the all-powerful knife – and the beginning of transsexualism. Those who do not perform the cult's rite can never enjoy full social status.

    Symbols of the castrated member, the tie and bow-tie, are mandatory accoutrements of the political wardrobe and phallic monuments are erected to commemorate the minds conquered long ago. Brute force is no longer necessary.

    The capitalist priest class of Psychiatry, working in tandem with the State bureaucracy, regulates and polices the new Restriction and gelding of desire. Psychiatrists, along with other legal arbiters, help to obscure justice with grey areas of intentionality, mental state, etc.

    Some mistake this as a system of Liberty, ignorant of the fact that Psychiatric Control is a cornerstone of the perfected Totalitarian State.

    All modern illnesses come from the absurd and tragic struggle of man's inability to bridle Nature. This dogma echoes perpetually, omnisciently by understanding voices in self-help books, billboards, radio commercials and television talk shows to convince the public to practice continual self-suppression and hormonal restraint. Any deviation is an indication of something severely wrong with the individual.

    Perhaps Lycanthropic Transformation Rites are in some way a Psychic Preparation for the millennial calamities that are thought to lie ahead.

    Legalism is a Language of Equivocations, a process of assimilation to violence and illogic.

    Etymology: government
    Gubernare: to control
    Mens/Mentis: mind

    Colere: to inhabit, to till
    Cult: collective mind
    -ure: process of

    civilize, etc.
    Civitas: city
    -ize: to do/to make like

    police, policy, politics, polite
    Polis: city

    Auctor: master, father, creator
    -ity: quality of

    Religare: to bind fast, to place an obligation on
    -ion: noun-forming suffix

    Uni-: one
    Form: shape

    They lump themselves into a group. They want all the collective praise and none of the collective blame (No True Scotsman). If they were truly concerned for their reputation they wouldn’t wear a uniform. Badges are just snowflakes.

    Ad Baculum + Ad Populum = Democracy

    "Everything is metamorphosed into its opposite to perpetuate itself in its expurgated form. All the powers, all the institutions speak of themselves through denial, in order to attempt, by simulating death, to escape their real death throes. […] For example: it would be interesting to see whether the repressive apparatus would not react more violently to a simulated holdup than to a real holdup. Because the latter does nothing but disturb the order of things, the right to property, whereas the former attacks the reality principle itself." – Jean Baudrillard (Simulacra & Simulation – 1981)

    "Our rulers, who rule our symbols, and so rule a symbolic class of life, impose their own infantilism on our instituitions, educational methods, and doctrines. This leads to maladjustment of the incoming generations which, being born into, are forced to develop under the un-natural (for man) semantic conditions imposed on them. In turn, they produce leaders afflicted with the old animalistic limitations. The vicious circle is completed; it results in a general state of human un-sanity, reflected again in our instituitions. And so it goes, on and on." – Alfred Korzybski (Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics – 1933)

    "I am a cosmopolitan." – Diogenes

    "If I could not be Alexander, I should wish to be Diogenes." – Alexander the Great

    "A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years." – Lysander Spooner (No Treason: Constitution of No Authority – 1867)

    "It is incredible how as soon as a people become subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and willingly that one is led to say that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement." – Étienne de la Boétie (Discours de la servitude volontaire ou le Contr'un – 1577)

    "Leadership in government is political power, and political power is an official form of antagonizing the people. Politics are rules imposed upon the people. They have every man in a straight jacket and without a passport he cannot move a toe. In a free world, they violate the natural rights of every citizen. They have become the weapons of political despots and if you don't think as they think you're deprived of your passport." – Michael Chaplin as Rupert Macabee (A King in New York – 1957)

    "Imagine, if you will, a world filled only with criminals of whom there are two classes: those too honest to rationalize their crimes and the powerful who scapegoat them." – Rod Serling

    "Eye have no Moral Obligation to ask permission from the person to whom Eye Morally Object if Eye may exercise mEye Moral Objection." – Unknown


  8. this reporter is uninformed, and shouldn't be talking. RUssia has been pushing forward since may 1st….now they are moving forward slower, and ukraine did not go ans strip the front to get soldiers for kursk. No soldiers were taken from active fronts for kursk attack.

  9. the universal world media name for this one is "kursk incursion" This is an all out attack, and doesn't need to be spoken like russia dictates …like the special military operation he made up…the western media take the first word, and uses that all the way thru.

  10. if you think the us didnt know about this attack then get off the air..you have no faith in america. Our government knows everything going on. They knew teh exact day russia was gonna attack even…everyone call biden lost..stupid..no clue….biden warned the world.

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