Why 90% of the U.S. avocado supply comes from Mexico

Why 90% of the U.S. avocado supply comes from Mexico


by cnbc_official

  1. Avocados have become nearly ubiquitous in American society, served at fast-food outlets and fine dining alike as demand grows. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that U.S. avocado consumption has more than tripled since 2001. 

    The seeds of that growth are firmly planted in Mexico. 

    The USDA reports that about 90% of all avocados eaten in the U.S. come from Mexico, totaling an estimated $2.7 billion in imports for 2024.

    U.S. production is concentrated in California, which accounts for around 90% of domestic production, according to the California Avocado Commission. Hawaii and Florida make up the rest. But California’s industry only meets a fraction of the immense demand.

    “We’re just a teeny-tiny player now in the big picture,” said Mary Lu Arpaia, a subtropical horticulture extension specialist at the University of California, Riverside. 

    Full video: [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/17/why-90percent-of-the-us-avocado-supply-comes-from-mexico-.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/17/why-90percent-of-the-us-avocado-supply-comes-from-mexico-.html)

  2. Curious as I’ve seen Avacado trees growing well in Melbourne Florida. It seems Florida and Texas could probably get into growing Avacados.

  3. actually, ever since drug dealers beat up a few boarder control officers
    back in june, we’ve been getting avocado from everywhere but mexico.

  4. Society has just been conditioned to pay more for avocados. Always talking about supply issues—yet I’ve never seen it actually run out, always available if you pay the extra..

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