Posted by BorrowedTimeDude

  1. Second pic – why is a mom having her daughter ask him for an autograph? What is wrong with her?

  2. I am Dutch and while he did complete his (shortened) sentence, most of us were NOT happy with him representing us at the Olympics. I am fairly certain that most of these parents were oblivious to who he is. I myself wouldn’t have a clue who he is if he walked past me on the street.

  3. Imagine hearing the audience boo every single time he has the ball, and not realizing something was wrong

  4. fuck him and fuck the dutch organizers for letting him compete. He should still be in prison in the UK

  5. Yeah, I didn’t believe for a second that the Dutch Volleyball organisation cared about the protection of minors. It was all BS to try deflect the international criticism they were receiving for bringing a convicted rapist to the Olympics.

  6. https://preview.redd.it/7n5cy77donjd1.png?width=1907&format=png&auto=webp&s=662645ebe07b91a76b44f6d5a9f173a2aac250c9

    Check the facebook banner of the Dutch news site [nu.nl](http://nu.nl)

    For reference, the second picture seems to be a demonstration, and the sign says “Give the kids a future”, and the third picture seems to be an elementary school teacher holding up a sign “Welcome, class 4B”.

    I’m wondering if there’s an intern gonna be fired soon…

    **EDIT:** It appears the fb banner has been changed just a moment ago.

  7. Horrible…absolutely horrible!

    My perception of Netherlands has dipped a bit.

    How could they allow this monster to be walking free and close to Children?!

    What the actual fuck?!

  8. How is he even allowed near kids when he wasn’t allowed at the Olympic village? Why did they think this was okay? They don’t even know he’s a convicted rapist which makes it even worst

  9. Honestly glad to see people on this sub aren’t looking away now that the olympics is over.

    I’ve been very disheartened by the Dutch response while he is playing the EK. Like you see in the pictures, it’s like no one cares anymore. I can’t imagine what mental gymnastics a parent has to do to allow their kids to idolize and meet him.

  10. The kid here in the picture is almost certainly around the same age as his victim. Let that sink in.

  11. youd think someone who knows he is well hated online and generally from many sports fans would try to stay out of the spotlight ..

  12. We truly live in the darkest timeline cause what the actual fuck, this man should be far away from children….

  13. I have lost so much respect for the Dutch people through all of this. Truly pathetic that they allow this criminal to behave like this.

  14. What’s sad is that these will probably be really valuable signatures to a really GROSS subset of the population.

  15. What am I missing here? In what reality do people ask for an autograph from a convicted child rapist, especially a woman with a little girl? Is it ignorance, denial, or are people just shameless about meeting someone famous? It’s not computing for me

  16. Maybe they should tattoo his faced with the words child rapist wrote crosses his forehead in English French and Spanish

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