He made this argument first

He made this argument first

Posted by LefteesShop

  1. It’s funny that we don’t hear a peep out of all the MAGA folks who said Biden was too old to run last time….

  2. And he’s closer to the end of World War One than he is to the year 2024. Now that’s old !!!

  3. You know what is getting old? Seeing him walk around after the 34 felony convictions

  4. Disposable diapers were invented in 1956 and the first adult diapers were released in 1978

  5. Old as fuck is what I’m reading. So it’s almost as if someone should walk away. Or assisted down the ramp to leave

  6. If Trump wins, he’ll have been born closer to the end of the Civil War (81) than the end of his second term (82).

  7. He’s older than
    – satellites..
    – The atomic clock
    – the transistor
    – video games
    – videotape

  8. It’s not too late for the republicans to dump him and pick someone else, right?

    They have a chance to show the world that the party isn’t just a cult-of-personality that’s hitched their boat to a perverted old man who’s madder than George III.

  9. a far shorter list than the many things he’s stupider than, which includes but is not limited to:

    – oatmeal

    – box of hammers

    – chewed gum

    – Rudy Giuliani

    – ..etc

  10. A good amount of them came in the 80s late 70s. So their relatively new.

    But I thought velcro was far older than even the 40s

  11. He’s also really, really fucking weird. He’s weird on a scale most of us rarely encounter unless you work in a psych ward or come in direct contact with ultra rich people. Sociopathy can be something some are “born” with but spending your entire childhood surrounded by people incapable of love or kindness takes it’s toll.

  12. Older than EZ Go golf carts. Older than the US Interstate highway system. Older than the Department of Education. Older than the US Air Force. Older than Taylor Swift

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