‘Risk of collapse’: Trump Media stock in ‘serious’ jeopardy as Truth Social languishes

‘Risk of collapse’: Trump Media stock in ‘serious’ jeopardy as Truth Social languishes


Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. What a shame. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of scammers. I do feel bad for the people stupid enough to think they were investing in a legitimate enterprise.

  2. Elon will probably make a tender for pennies on the dollar and Trump will still make millions while all the dummies who actually purchased shares will be left holding the bag.

  3. For every $1 in revenue it had $415 in expenses. And Republicans think he’s better at running the economy.

  4. That would be wonderful I hope everyone that invested loses absolutely everything they got

  5. When he publicly went back to another social media platform wouldn’t that be a violation of fiduciary duty to shareholders?

  6. Well as long as Trump can pull out some millions from the imaginary billions the corrupt valuation of the company supposed, all will be well.

    That’s all that this was about.

  7. Oh look another soon to be failed business attempt by the ex- president. History keeps repeating itself with this dumbass. And yet people keep giving him money. These monkeys never learn.

  8. Well, look at it this way. Anybody actually investing in anything to do with this man has got to be, themselves, a hideous morally bankrupt pervert, and a moron to boot. It’s good that this type of person is being financially ruined. This is a net win for society

  9. Traitor Trump doesn’t give a shit about other investors, as long as he gets to cash out before the con collapses.

  10. Yet he makes out like a bandit and others are left ruined, another win for the weirdest POS with tiny hands.

  11. He’s such an amazing businessman. The perfect businessman. The best businessman in the history of the world. The best businessman in the history of the universe. Not even God was a better businessman.

  12. I cant imagine its anything other than a way to “legally” accept large amounts of money from foreign powers. I wonder how much of the stock was bought by Russian oligarchs…

    Trump has a history of “selling” things for way more than they are worth… wonder what that’s all about. It’s really nothing more than money laundering.

  13. Trump is running the clock out. You can bet he’ll sell everything on minute one. After that, it will fold.

  14. They should sue him for defrauding them. They were misled into believing they were buying Truth, not LIES.

  15. He can take off the Cheeto dust and get a real tan in Venezuela soon! Hopefully they are willing to support his broke crazy ass! Take care Donny!

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