Oops… someone is running out of soldiers

Oops… someone is running out of soldiers

by AccurateGrand276

  1. Anyone know how to get Forza Nuova members to go to Russia? Asking because… I’m… curious.

  2. Does anyone have that infographic that shows Russia topping the charts for stuff like divorce, abortion, drugs, alcohol, and all those other ‘traditional values’?

  3. I want so much to see the faces of people who actually accept this offer when they get there

  4. I also love how they claim they are offering a haven from “neoliberalism”, which describes a set of economic policies which Russia also practices…

  5. I remember a tale about a conservative couple that emigrated to Russia for exactly this reason – and then quickly discovered that Russians do not like immigrants that did not bother to learn the local language or embrace the local customs.

  6. We had a news story break here a couple of weeks ago about some absolute bozo who went to Russia for just that reason. As his residence permit was running out he tried to extend it, but thinking it took too long, this genius volunteered for the Russian armed forces, wanting to be an interpreter or border guard in Siberia.

    Well, he ended up signing a contract he didn’t understand a word of (he doesn’t speak or read Russian), and now he’s in the war zone in Luhansk, getting beat up by Nepalese mercenaries and being threatened by his Russian officers (and likely send into the meat grinder at some point). So now he’s taken the Russian army to court, claiming the contract is invalid because he doesn’t speak Russian. This has been rejected by a military tribunal (surprised Pikachu), so now he’s appealing the court’s ruling.
    Can’t make this shit up.

  7. Great, gonna send that to Sahra “fucking stupid Vlad’s bitch” Wagenknecht…

  8. Great! I kinda screwed myself over back in school so this seems like a huge opportunity!

    Or I could just stay working at McDonald’s and earn 4 times an officer’s pay with 1/1000th of the risk of getting mutilated or dying or having to live in Russia.

  9. >where traditional values reign supreme

    Their traditional values? “Being pinned down to the ground by other Man/Soldiers while getting a broom stick shoved up your ass…”

  10. Ah yes, finally a way to escape the left leaning neoliberal prime minister we elected

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