Tschechiens Präsident: Ukraine könnte trotz Teilbesatzung durch Russland der NATO beitreten

Tschechiens Präsident: Ukraine könnte trotz Teilbesatzung durch Russland der NATO beitreten


  1. Nato is a military alliance, it is not about trade of good or services.
    At the heart of Nato is article 5, it’s mutual defense treaty, or ‘an attack on one of us is an attack on all’ to paraphrase, this means nato member countries are required to defend other nato countries in the outbreak of war.
    The question is what happens when a nato country joins when it is already at war? Does it drag all of nato into the conflict or is article 5 ignored?

    The Czech prime minister tried to answer this: ” If there is a demarcation, even of some administrative border, we can accept this administrative border as a temporary one and accept Ukraine into NATO on the territory it will control at that time.”

    My question is what happens the day after Ukraine joins nato ? Does Russia trigger a full nato response by an attack on kyiv from Russia? The situation is entirely unprecedented.

    My opinion is that by allowing Ukraine to join nato, nato can push Russia out of Ukraine or at least out of the 18% it has already occupied, creating a buffer zone between Europe and Russia. What is your opinion?

  2. talking about joining nato is pointless as long as hungary and turkey are members. hungary is effectively a regulatory captured state by the russian federation.

  3. Ukraine will join EU for 10 years possibly less, and that means economy and stability also most important rehabilitation of postwar Ukraine.

  4. Ukraine may join NATO despite being partially occupied by Russia.

    Czech president said it’s possible

    The US has to sign off on it before it happens

  5. oooooh, that certainly sends a certain message doesn’t it?

    I’m sure NATO countries won’t complain, having had enough of this shit useless war

  6. This will probably hurt the integrity of NATO more because Russia will still be attacking a NATO member but let’s be honest, at least half will not want to directly fight the Russian military since that means large scale war. If they didn’t fight back then, why now?

    This will then cause a huge debate within NATO, therefore hurting it. Voting on Ukraine membership already will expose the existing problems in NATO, but that will just create new ones.

    Ukraine will join NATO when the Ukraine and Russian governments end the war in whatever ways they do. No ceasefires, like literally end the conflict between them. That’s the only way I see happening.

  7. Name a time when NATO took territory by force and annexed it and incorporated it into their country.

    Now name a time when Russia has done this.

    Countries joining NATO are sovereign countries exercising their sovereign right to choose their own political and military associations and memberships.

    Russia has **zero** right to dictate to any country what associations and memberships they belong to.

    The fact that “NATO is expanding” should tell you something very clearly about the precarious nature of living next to a country like Russia and how smaller, weaker countries feel about that proximity and Russia’s behavior.

  8. Does the president in Czechia has any power? Or its just a symbolic position compared to a prime minister?

  9. That… wasn’t the issue. According to the official statement it was the corruption that still exists

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