Captured Russian soldier Rustam Gareev confesses to horrific crimes

Captured Russian soldier Rustam Gareev confesses to horrific crimes

by UNITED24Media

  1. Must be nice for them knowing that they are equal medieval compared to isis and Taliban…. That is some middle east level shit right there.

  2. This is why Ukraine needs all the help they can get to defeat these evil bastards.

  3. Those in the same room as this guy are showing incredible restraint. I would be beating the shit out of him.

  4. Legal, fast executions should be possible during war time for proven attrocities like this. Disgusting, what the fuck did those children do to deserve this? How can you be an adult man, probably with children yourself, and do such things? He should be hanged

  5. Legal, fast executions should be possible during war time for proven attrocities like this. Disgusting, what the fuck did those children do to deserve this? How can you be an adult man, probably with children yourself, and do such things? He should be hanged

  6. Legal, fast executions should be possible during war time for proven attrocities like this. Disgusting, what the fuck did those children do to deserve this? How can you be an adult man, probably with children yourself, and do such things? He should be hanged

  7. Ive seen this before and still feel as physically sick as the first time I saw this. Those poor women and children

  8. Death is too kind for the crimes these orcs have committed. I hope Russia is completely wiped from this earth. Fuck them all.

  9. These monsters deserve to be shamed and punished on global teathre, let them comprehend that the whole world is absolutely disgusted with them, let them rot i a cell knowing the whole world hates them, hopefully they learn to hate themselves. You couldnt be a lower life form than this kind of a monster.

    Hopefully the world will be rid of the monsters soon enough.

  10. This should be posted on r/intrestingasfuck to remind everyone what russia brings to their neighbours

  11. I know Ukraine soldiers don’t want to be like the enemy,but I’m afraid if I was them and heard this piece of shite telling his story,I’d string the dirty bastard up ,or worse .

  12. My stomach hurts. As a father cant imagine the pain.
    How sick, evil and fucked are you, when you hurt those kids. They are so innocent…

  13. I’m a man and I am crying,

    The thought of my girlfriend being raped for two hours, along with daughters, all by themselves

    And then being lined up and shot

    It makes my skin crawl

    I cry for the Ukrainian people

  14. My stomach hurts. As a father cant imagine the pain.
    How sick, evil and fucked are you, when you hurt those kids. They are so innocent.

  15. Can’t watch, this is what the death penalty is for. And during wartime, the Geneva convention allows for these things to be shot dead.

  16. This video should be shared all over Russian social media. Let the population know what these cunts are up to

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