At this point they should just start burning tax payer money

At this point they should just start burning tax payer money

Posted by Training-Republic301

  1. As an official act, Biden should impound all of their cars and put locks on their office doors until they stop acting like childish assholes.

  2. Impeachment is not criminal prosecution. The SC didn’t say the president is immune to impeachment.

    That being said, the R’s in the Senate tried to argue that they wouldn’t impeach for a crime that didn’t even have any charges filed, while charges weren’t being filed because they won’t file charges on a sitting President. So Biden could throw *that* back in their face.

  3. Listening to Trump on the satellite radio over lunch just now, and wow! A couple things: first, they somehow managed to keep him on point and stay on the teleprompter. He makes more sense, but is a lot more dull and uninteresting. Second, he is going on about Comrade Kamala, Biden’s classified docs, and job creation when he was in office. He either has no fucking clue, or he assumes that none of us do. Give it a day or two and he will be claiming that she wears orange makeup to hide her black/brown Russian skin color. The guy is still only capable of lying, no truth will ever pass his lips.

  4. The republican traitors in the US House (there are 147 of them who participated in the attempted coup by not certifying the 2020 election results) are desperate to change the narrative for this election.

  5. Next up: “We need to investigate why Joe Biden let us investigate him while knowing that he had immunity!”

  6. That’s their plan, they’re just waiting to gut social security benefits before the bonfire starts.

  7. Tax Payer money is being burned every day that we have to pay for protection for the Criminal who tried to overthrow the Government and have VP Pence murdered so he could stay in power

  8. Isn’t this just the most MORONIC thing about the GOP? Spending taxpayer money for this and FINDING NOTHING (which I am sure they already knew)… just to appease their orange jesus ‘CHEETOLINI’???

  9. Also investigating Walz because he taught in China for a year….

    They’re wasting unprecedented amounts of tax payer money trying to dig up dirt and manufacture drama about their political opponents.

    Fuck all fascists.

  10. Now the narrative will be “The Big Guy” was taking kick backs as a civilian out of office so he doesnt have immunity….

  11. The problem isn’t Republicans- they’re a known threat to the well being of the US, and that will not change. The problem is the voters, who consistently validate, endorse, and thusly approve of their malignant behavior. We need to teach political literacy IN SCHOOL FFS

  12. That ruling was just this spring … By a Court they love for the rulings they made. How short their memory is!

  13. I mean they are dumb but… technically they could impeach him while he retains immunity from criminal liability

  14. Burning it would warm houses. That’s helpful for the cold. They would never help people.

  15. What would you expect Comer and Jordan to do? Some sort of… job? Look, they’re not elected to represent their constituents and pass laws to make their lives better, those two are in Washington to make loud noises for the news and take bribes. 

    Get it straight, libs. 

    Straight. There, I said it. Snowflakes.

  16. It’s funny how Republicans tout how democrats waste money yet here we are with a lame attempt to oust a rival with no evidence.

  17. King Trump has total immunity he granted to himself after a successful coup elevated him to benevolent, omniscient, SuperJesus, King of the Oligarchs in his mind.

  18. I need to get my ass into congress so I can get a 6 digit income, free health care, all the bribes I can fit in my pockets and the best part where I wouldn’t have to do a single bit of actual work!

  19. They basically are. What have they actually passed in the last two years? How many times did they drag Hunter Biden in there?

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