Trump Posts Repugnant Video Altering an Alanis Morissette’s Song to Claim Kamala Harris Used Oral Sex to Become Democratic Nominee For President

Trump Posts Repugnant Video Altering an Alanis Morissette’s Song to Claim Kamala Harris Used Oral Sex to Become Democratic Nominee For President

Trump Posts Repugnant Video Altering an Alanis Morissette’s Song to Claim Kamala Harris Used Oral Sex to Become Democratic Nominee For President

Posted by inewser

  1. The misogyny seems to be a working formula to remind others what you and your party think about women.
    Keep playing those oldies but goodies.


  2. She did call him weird though, so he is entitled to be a stupid piece of shit apparently

  3. The totally normal actions of a ‘man’ running for the highest office in the land .

    …..If they were a mentally deranged weird sexual deviant recidivist sack of shit.

  4. Why can’t Republicans admit he’s a gross old man that embodies all their worst traits?

  5. What a vile POS the GOP candidate for President of the USA is, and has been his whole, stinking life.

  6. Trump’s got nothing to lose. He knows this is his final shot and things are only going to get worse and worse from here. He’s got no ethics, no morals, no nothing… …he can and he will stoop lower than anybody can predict. And his rabid base will love him even more for that!

  7. Here’s a chilling thought..everything that’s out now is something that they don’t have any problem having it be made known. Imagine the stuff they pass around to each other behind closed doors. The Access Hollywood tape was just a small window into Trump’s world.

  8. Any songs out there about being a pedophilic rapist? Any songs about cheating on your wife? Any songs about molesting a woman in a changing room? Any songs about banging a porn star while your wife is home with your newborn?

  9. Ah, I see that Trump’s finally come up with a strategy to win over those female voters that he’s been struggling with!

  10. I don’t care if you live in the reddest state there is, and if you think your vote doesn’t matter.

    It does! And you must vote!

  11. I’m starting to wonder how JD Vance got his nomination now? You know, because every accusation is a confession…

  12. “His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.”

    “He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart.”

    ”…if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws – he would make a Trump.”

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