Oreo has been found!!!

Oreo has been found!!!

by Nyoteng

  1. Oh, brilliant news!!! Hope they caught the pair that swiped this poor pupper!! So glad he’s home safely.

  2. Please, please tell us more! How? Where? 

    Did they get the woman that stole Oreo? Is Oreo in good health? 

    Even if we will not hear about any of the above – I truly am extremely happy to hear Oreo is found (I hope in good health)! ♥️

  3. I didn’t realise the owner is a journalist for a big paper. Makes me sad to think about all the other dogs this has likely happened to where the owner didn’t have the online reach to get them back.

    Glad he’s back though. Hope they caught the thieves, but more likely they got bored and dumped him I imagine.

  4. Wonderful news to end the day with! I’ve been thinking about Oreo over the course of past few days. Wishing the owners peace and relief long at last!

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