Liz Truss ‘in denial’ about being ousted as an MP as she ‘refuses’ to hand over constituent casework

Liz Truss ‘in denial’ about being ousted as an MP as she ‘refuses’ to hand over constituent casework

Liz Truss ‘in denial’ about being ousted as an MP as she ‘refuses’ to hand over constituent casework

by faconsandwich

  1. Does it frighten anyone else that this person was the Prime Minister? A system that allows that needs serious change.

  2. Lol. Honestly, I really think we need to start introducing basic psychological testing for prospective PMs – indeed, even bog-standard MPs. This women clearly has several screws short of a full picnic. And to think she had her hands on the nuclear codes!

  3. It was funny seeing her being repeatedly out of depth .

    It was hilarious to see her elected PM , knowing the above then seeing her outlasted by a lettuce.

    It was cathartic to see her loose her seat after destroying the economy.

    …but at this point, I think serious fucking questions have to be asked of her party, friends and supporters that her going full rightwing wingnut and actions such as this are not concerning enough for them to seek professional intervention on her behalf.

  4. Maybe she lost it and is pretending to withold it so she doesn’t have to admit she’s so useless.

  5. Okay. I feel if that’s the case she is probably breaking some law and needs a visit from the police. Surely it can’t be legal to just refuse and interfere with a member of parliaments local governance?

  6. She’s in denial about everything she did. She still will not admit that she failed spectacularly, and not just failed either. She screwed a lot of people over massively and has the gall to show her face.

    Are we sure she’s all there mentally? Like can we get a formal diagnosis?

  7. Of all the things to take out of the Trump playbook, refusing to hand over files is what she’s now latched onto?

  8. She’s not an MP any more. She’s just a bloke… or… blokette?

    She shouldn’t be hoarding what may well be some very private constituents’ information. I’m getting echoes of trump, stashing the nuclear codes (or whatever it was) in his golf resort’s bathrooms.

    And if she didn’t address these files when she *was* an MP and PM, it’s farcical to think she’d do anything with them now that isn’t slightly sinister.

  9. I’ll take “has done essentially nothing with constituent cases and is embarrassed” for £5.

  10. That’s how you get ready for re-election. You do stuff for your constituents, so they vote for you next time. If you can’t grasp such a simple concept, I can’t help you.

    It may not be enough. But it’s good start.

  11. I think she’s being advised by the same bunch of classless disruptors that advise maga. Deny, ignore, stall and play dirty are recurring themes with this lot. Anything to stay in the press, good or bad. It’s fairly straightforward to spin things in a way that convinces a good proportion of the electorate that they either did nothing wrong or were doing something in a dodgy way just to get a good result… when realistically it’s only a good result for them and their team in the international global elites league

  12. Most likely she doesn’t have any to hand over because she was just fucking about the whole time.

    She’s clearly got low social skills, the one fucking skill you need as a politician. She’s also thick, which doesn’t help.

    I imagine her flapping about in her office shuffling papers all day and making phone calls to people who feel honored to speak to an MP, all action was probably calling a more senior MP who eventually relegated her “enquiries” to emails only, and then she patted herself on the back.

    Someone made a lot of money off this idiot getting into power for 5 mins. I don’t know who, but I can only imagine Rishi had something to do with it, to distance himself from Boris and allow him to look like a great option to save the country (by enriching himself and fucking over working people)

  13. The obsession and bullying from the “be kind” mob towards our 3rd ever female ex PM is unsurprising to see.

  14. Are we sure she’s ’refusing’ & it’s not a case of the casework doesn’t exist because she never actually did anything for her constituents?

  15. That’s a very long headline. I’d lead with “Liz Truss ‘in denial'”, the rest is story not headline.

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