Man released on bail after stabbing in Truro (Cornwall)

Can someone explain how he was granted bail after stabbing someone? I thought serious crimes bail wasn’t granted for attempted murder. Now he’s just back on the streets!?!

Posted by NetWorth-32p

  1. Someone who stabs two people yet apparently is of no danger to innocent members of the public. Granted bail until November

    Tell me we have a problem with the legal system without telling me we have a problem with the legal system.

    Get this man a keyboard and some stern words he would be straight in jail.

  2. The simple answer is because the police don’t have enough evidence to charge him yet and need more time to investigate. A person can’t be held indefinitely without being charged. Just basic civil rights protections, innocent until proven guilty and all that.

  3. It may well be because he hasn’t been charged with anything. The Police can’t just hold people indefinitely on suspicion.

    Absent a terrorism offence, the longest anybody can be held without charge (and requiring several trips to Court for extensions) is 4 days. They need to have to be able to justify the continued detention without charge and maybe they couldn’t.

  4. Hes lucky he didnt shit post, would have been jailed for years. He might as well grape a kid too to cap of his day.

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