Queen Elizabeth Said Trump Was ‘Very Rude,’ and Had an ‘Arrangement’ With Melania

Queen Elizabeth Said Trump Was ‘Very Rude,’ and Had an ‘Arrangement’ With Melania


Posted by z8675309z

  1. I’m so sorry, on behalf of America, that Her Majesty was tasked with enduring… THAT .

  2. Of course Melania has an arrangement with Trump. In addition to the prenup, she’s likely charging him for every appearance she makes and trump is too cheap to pay her, or stiffed her on some payments, which is why she isn’t on the campaign trail with him, or even spending time at Mar-a-Lago.

  3. I think Melania had an arrangement with Justin Trudeau too. She wanted some of that Canadian bacon

  4. Melania was known to be on the ‘circuit’ a pseudo soft core porn model moonlighting as a hybrid hooker.

  5. All these websites are becoming unreadable due to the ungodly amount of ads that take over the whole screen. Can someone explain what she meant by arrangement with Melania?

  6. At least he is not a complete failure as a human being… he can always serve as a very bad ( very very bad) example!

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