Where do you stand on AI? Good or bad? I’m very optimistic about the future of AI, and its potential to revolutionize the way we live.

Where do you stand on AI? Good or bad? I’m very optimistic about the future of AI, and its potential to revolutionize the way we live.


by ProfessorOfFinance

  1. To me this is like asking “what do you think about machines and industrialization?” Yeah there’s flaws but there’s a lot more benefits than not. Knowing reddit I’m sure this thread will be overwhelmed by luddites with a victim complex though.

  2. It will be good and bad. Its going to be horrible at first but than 10-20 years later its gonna be amazing…here me out, true AI will likely displace countless millions of jobs unless laws are put in place, but AI will also overall increase technology and learning 10x fold just on the pretext that it can compute on a scale humans cant even dream of, so things like the cure for cancer among other crazy cures and fixes will be in reach. The advent of AI will changed our entire tech world in a matter of decades, but just like everything people will likely abuse AI at first for their own greed (kind of like how we have already seen with chatgpt and people just asking it to do their work among other things, this is a soft example though of what i think will actually happen) and the pay gap will likely get even worse between rich and poor. I think i said it a while ago on reddit actually but – the information age is over, the AI age is upon us….it will be consider a ‘new age’ in the history books.

  3. If you have office job be scared….if you got manual labor job you should be fine in most cases…

  4. Meh. AI is over-hyped and under-delivering, and will likely stay that way for the foreseeable future. There will be no AI-led renaissance in art,
    Literature, and science.

  5. Corporations will exploit them anyway they can to cut costs and that includes giving jobs to AI. You can bank on that. Corporate heads will say that it will open up new job opportunities and they’ll be lying out their asses. It’s all about the bottom line and pleasing the shareholders. Period.

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