I’m playing a video game, Still Wakes The Deep (set on an oil rig off the coast of Scotland in the 70s) where one of the trophies is playing the game in Scottish Gaelic!

I’m playing a video game, Still Wakes The Deep (set on an oil rig off the coast of Scotland in the 70s) where one of the trophies is playing the game in Scottish Gaelic!

by RYzaMc

  1. I just completed this game yesterday but missed that you could play it in gàidhlig, which as a fluent speaker is a little annoying lol. The game is absolutely amazing with some of the best Scottish voice acting I’ve ever heard. I really like how the fact almost everyone (there’s a few English people too) is Scottish is just a part of the game and not the main focus of that makes sense? Would highly recommend if anyone’s looking for something to play, just be wary as it is a horror game. It’s not too scary but still worth mentioning.

  2. Sorry, is this on Xbox? I do game, but I am not what you would call “a gamer”… apologies if this is a daft question.

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