US-Geheimdienste sagen, der Iran sei für den Hack von Donald Trumps Präsidentschaftskampagne verantwortlich

US-Geheimdienste sagen, der Iran sei für den Hack von Donald Trumps Präsidentschaftskampagne verantwortlich

  1. >The US intelligence community said that Iran is to blame for the hack of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

    >The joint statement from the FBI and other federal agencies was the first formal attribution of the hack to a foreign entity, though the Trump campaign had previously said Iran was responsible.

    >They said Iran perceived this year’s presidential election to be particularly consequential and was determined through the hacking operation and other activities to interfere in American politics and “to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our democratic institutions”.

    >”We have observed increasingly aggressive Iranian activity during this election cycle, specifically involving influence operations targeting the American public and cyber operations targeting Presidential campaigns,” said a joint statement from the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

  2. I misread it as “Iran is to blame for **lack** of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign”.

  3. Amazing how none of the data has leaked though by the media, yet if the DNC got hacked, each email would be up and ready for viewing within the hour.

  4. I’m pretty sure it was whatever idiot clicked the link about hot shingles in their area looking for them.

  5. I hope they release a lot of dirt on him. Like swawelle said, Trump’s change in tune against Iran shows how compromised he is…

  6. I don’t support Iran’s government attacking a U.S citizen but trump made it clear that he has no allegiance to the USA when he sided with Putin against his own country.

  7. So? There’s only one team that fell for it this year, and I’d never want them “guarding” the NATION’S secrets

  8. At first I thought they were to blame for the LACK of his campaign but that’s all him and JD.

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