Dramatisches Video zeigt die Evakuierung von Truppen durch die Ukraine mit einem US-amerikanischen Bradley-Kampffahrzeug

Dramatisches Video zeigt die Evakuierung von Truppen durch die Ukraine mit einem US-amerikanischen Bradley-Kampffahrzeug


  1. The Ukrainians are using British, German, and American tanks. Lol, this is like 3 Allied countries shared tech to fight against the lone Soviet forces in Red Alert 2.

  2. Can someone link me the video somewhere else? Yahoo somehow always shits the bed when I’m using mobile

  3. “The US, Ukraine’s most important ally, delivered its first batch of Bradleys to Ukraine in 2003 to help it battle the Russian invasion”
    Woah, that war has been going on for 21 yrs! /s
    Also, fuck Russia.

  4. What’s that thing that swoops down in the video. Kinda looks like a missile, bird, uap?

  5. What’s the yellow thing the Russian was carrying? He seemed pretty nonchalant about walking up to a Ukranian fortified dugout

  6. Best part is Americans hold back their best tech so that adversaries don’t know what they’re up against. So Russia’s getting dumped on with mix of old and semi new tech.

  7. Don’t know who this Bradley fellow is but he must be pretty tough if he’s fighting vehicles

  8. Why was that guy just walking towards the fox hole with a cardboard and his gun pointed down?…

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