Sunshine duration in Europe (hours per year)

Sunshine duration in Europe (hours per year)

by _Seifer_

  1. [Source](

    Sunshine duration describes the duration of direct solar radiation over a certain period of time (e.g. one month) at a certain location. It therefore provides information about the weather and climate at that location. Direct radiation is the main energy input to the earth’s surface. Both, the energy and the water balance are driven by incoming radiation. Sunshine duration anomaly is correlated to cloud distribution and is based on the reference period 1961-1990 for station data and 1986-2015 for satellite data. It is presented as relative anomaly (percent of the normal value for the reference period) and as absolute anomaly (difference to value for the reference period in hours).

  2. Worth mentioning that this pretty much *only* shows weather tendencies as every single place on earth gets the same number of daytime hours

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