Hillary at the DNC

Hillary at the DNC

Posted by politicaldan

  1. Warned…the democrats?

    Maybe she shouldn’t have strong-armed her way into a nomination in the most “anti-establishment” presidential candidacy race ever.

  2. Her voice is still anti-charming, even this much later. She smart, no argument, and was suitably experienced, also no argument. But her voice, her delivery, and her demeanor are so deeply repellent.

    She gave a good speech. I said to my wife, “wow, she didn’t make it about her,” which is her signature. Then she closed with a reference to “it takes a village.” She is so fucking tone deaf.

  3. Why do people keep saying stuff like this? She wasn’t saying anything particularly unique.

  4. No, the Bernie supporters warned those particular fuckers. Thank god Kamala doesn’t have the baggage Hillary did.

  5. I read that her campaign staff took the advice from the Obama campaign people and threw it to the way-side. It makes sense, ’cause her whole entire campaign was a victory lap before the race was won. Shit, it even got me complacent when I was overseas to the point where I didn’t feel like the hassle to put my absentee ballot through. I vote in every election since, especially local.

  6. And she was warned that she just couldn’t win.

    If only she’d done what Joe did and stepped aside.

  7. In all fairness to her, she was 100% correct.

    Smart lady. Unfortunate that she’s not better at speaking.

  8. She can piss off.

    The primary was bullshit. The “super delegates” anointed her and influenced voter turnout.

    She didn’t campaign in the general election. Completely ignored places like Wisconsin.

    Any other candidate would have destroyed Trump.

  9. How bad ass would it have been if she just walked out on that stage and simply said:
    “What the fuck did I tell you? Did I stutter? Now, don’t let it happen again”

    And then just walks off

  10. Gee, I wonder if Trump will have anything to say or have any angst about 30,000 people chanting “LOCK HIM UP!” as Hillary Clinton stands there smirking with a shit-eating grin on her face.

  11. I think the reluctance by Dems to punch back has hurt them, hopefully lesson learned.

  12. Hillary deserved that extended standing ovation she received. This first day of DNC has been emotional and outstanding.

  13. The Dems weakness was their inability to adjust to the GOP pettiness and punch back. Hilary started it with the basket of deplorables and Kamala just straight up went all the way in this election cycle.

    Thats how you deal with bullies and wanna be tough guys.

  14. You know, I sent Tim Walz a thank you card (via usps, no less) for his handling of Covid in Minnesota, and just for being a good governor. I really should send one to Hillary, too. It didn’t work out for her overall, but damn, she fought the good fight.

  15. “I should have campaigned in MI and PA like the on the ground people begged me to instead of taking victory laps in solidly red states” should always be the meme.

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