Selenskyj: Operation in der russischen Oblast Kursk wäre als unrealistisch bezeichnet worden und wurde deshalb geheim gehalten

Selenskyj: Operation in der russischen Oblast Kursk wäre als unrealistisch bezeichnet worden und wurde deshalb geheim gehalten

  1. Maybe they kept it a secret because nobody could spell Kursk Oblast correctly on the first try.

  2. There’s a chance Ukraine could actually shorten the amount of border they have to defend by cutting northeast, back to their own border. While I’m not sure that’s realistic at this particular point in time, it could be an eventuality if Russia keeps up the weak response. They are certainly there to stay, though. If Russia actually wants to expel them its inevitable that they will have to rotate significant reserves from somewhere on the main contact line

  3. I can’t help but wonder the face Zelensky made when one of his generals approched him and said: ”Mr. President….how would you feel about invading russia this time?We have a plan,”

  4. It would have been determined to be “Escalationary” by Western politicians/military. Also likely to be leaked.

  5. Imagine if they were straightforward, but they did it Putin style too, so nothing new!

  6. For what I’ve seen so far, Russia doesn’t seem to be firing rockets at Ukrainian positions like they do in the donbas or south UA; either they don’t have enough rockets(sanctions?) to use in multiple fronts or they lack the manpower needed for such operations (which is odd since they almost triple the Ukrainian population)

    Anyway, it’s free real state.

    Slava Ukrayini!

  7. I believe that they saw what yuri and the wagner group did last year and started formulating a plan then. Sure it was crazy as fuck to think about invading russia but im pretty sure they did their due diligence and planned accordingly. Cant help but imagine the “rebel russian” also helped give confidence to this plan. Russia is extremely weak and finding out how hard it is to defend an actual border..

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