Changing satellite heat signatures over 24 hours shows destruction of Proletarsk Federal Agency for State Reserves Oil Depot

Changing satellite heat signatures over 24 hours shows destruction of Proletarsk Federal Agency for State Reserves Oil Depot

by TheNumberOneRat

  1. How many gallons in a fuel tank? Like, are we talking month’s worth of damage? Week?

  2. I don’t understand how the construction can actually be this resilliant and difficult to burn down in its entirety.
    Until Ukraine made me familiar with the look of a burning russian petro storage or refinery I would have taken for granted that a litle fire in any remote corner of the installation would be enough for the whole thing to explode and burn. But evidently not. I don’t think we have yet witnessed a depot fire spread to all tanks and even less so with the refinerys. But I will surely be pleased to if it happens this time!

  3. It will burn until everything is consumed. There is no way for Russia to effectively put this out with the resources they have.

  4. State Reserves?

    So the fuel that would be used for the military? That’s gonna put a kink in the supply chain.

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