Ukraine: Russische Personalverluste überschreiten 600.000-Marke

Ukraine: Russische Personalverluste überschreiten 600.000-Marke

  1. It’s weird how passively so many people can be sent to a meatgrinder while the rest of the entire world just looks at memes and bitches at eachother on a site like twitter. I wonder how little it mattered to people in past world wars like… well at least it’s not MY kids dying.

    Until they were. I’d fight for my kids. Thank god it’s not where I am.

  2. The crazy thing is looking at total daily losses for all equipment(APV, Artillery, AA, Tanks, etc.). Absolutely staggering numbers even if you were to be bias and put it at 20-30% lower than reported. Not saying I believe in the bias as most western reports confirm within 1-2 months generally, But just had to say it to appeal to the doubtful. The mass scale of everything is something that many people miss even today.

    ( Edit: Link: []( for those unaware of the source of numbers. Hence why even if you were to take these numbers as not 100% accurate is still unbelievable.

  3. I don’t know what’s worse for Russia, Putin or COVID-19. Wait, Putin is definitely worse.

  4. 1,200,000 million parents have lost their children yet they do not protest and riot for an end truly mind boggling

  5. And yet, the Russian citizens don’t give a shit, I guess that’s the benefit of having state run propaganda channels lying to them 24/7.

  6. At some point you have to ask – what if these 600k people dead revolted and took down their atrocious leadership?

  7. Ate Ukraine now counting how many Russians soilders have died ? Russia can afford to lose 10 million soilders to active combat. They should start counting how many of their own Ukraine citizens and soilders have died .

  8. Russia wears this statistic like a badge of honour. They are proud of it. No shame whatsoever.

  9. Ukraine has been rampaging over hundreds of square kilometres in Russia without reprisal, the first time such a situation has happened since WWII.

    And Russia TALKS a lot about nuclear escalation, but when it is full-on, no-shit INVADED by another country it turns out it was bluffing all along.

  10. And you can bet that most of the extremely rural areas to the east of Moscow don’t even know this is happening

  11. This channel seems like a propaganda circlejerk. Where are frontlines in 2022? Where are frontlines now? What happened to ukraine counteroffensive? How has west media changed opinions over course of 2022-2024? Answer this and discuss. Stupid (illogical) short answers will not be considered.

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