This election remember….

This election remember….

Posted by FreshRest4945

  1. I also remember how his cult insisted on not getting vaccinated and I thought to myself how that could totally be a Darwinian blessing in disguise.

  2. really, harris should be pump ads “were you better off 4 yrs ago?!” full of covid news clips.

  3. And Convicted Felon ex President weird DarnOld Frump was so full of shit that the country ran out of toilet paper…

  4. I remember when my state had to take extreme measures to make sure donold and his cronies didn’t steal our medical supplies to line their pockets.

  5. And he only lost the election by 40,000 votes in 3 swing states. If you think Dems are running away with it this time you better check yourself. It is going to be razor thin again and we aren’t dealing with a pandemic this time. Don’t just vote. Volunteer. Donate. Do everything you can to keep that despicable excuse for a human being away from power.

  6. Which administration forgave all the covid loans and pumped a bunch of money into the stock market for a temp bump?

  7. Yes my spouse lost their job because of the pandemic. Fuck trump and his fucked up, dumbass followers too

  8. There were many avoidable deaths as a result of Trump’s policy and messaging. Enough that you would think we lost a war. People should be outraged at his incompetence.

    American deaths by war versus Covid.

    * 9/11: 3K
    * Vietnam: 58K
    * Korea: 36K
    * WW1: 116K
    * WW2: 405K
    * American Civil War: 618K
    * =============
    * Covid: estimated ***1+ million*** in the USA alone.

    USA deaths per capita were among the [highest ]( in the developed western world. USA had twice the per capita deaths compared to UK or Canada. So it was not an unlucky virus, it was lack of leadership.

  9. Remember in 2019 when every 3rd news article was about the inevitable upcoming recession caused by Trumps terrible economic policies.

  10. Remember when people were taking dewormer and pooping ropes of their intestinal lining?

  11. trump! It’s been close to a decade. DO YOU OR DO YOU NOT HAVE A PLAN FOR HEALTHCARE????

  12. Republicans talk about the price of groceries today but ignore that 4 years ago the grocery store shelves were empty. 

    Yes. I am better off than I was 4 years ago.

  13. I’m glad to see you bring this up and glad to see it made an important point at the DNC. As a disabled and immunocompromised person, I have long term health issues now from it, and he said “it is what it is” and “maybe it’s better if they just die” about disabled people dying. I feel like until the Dems are bringing it back up, so many in politics were just pretending as if it never happened, which is the opposite of what our country needs to actually heal from that trauma.

  14. I know right, Trump should have done what all the other countries that “successfully” handled the pandemic did…. /s

  15. I will never forget the refrigerator trucks that hauled the dead in NYC. I blame the 🍊 menace for this

  16. A parent from my kids school nearly died because of COVID and his MAGA wife’s views. They still think COVID it’s fake. SMH.

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