All trains are stopped, not possible to purchase tickets and consult time table. Funnily enough they suggest consulting online, which also is broken.
My sister is currently stuck in the middle of nowhere in a hot train with her newborn and no ETA or alternative solution.
SBB should be nationalize back! F this *hit.
by _JohnWisdom
Here is link article:
Currently all swiss trains are “down”
EDIT: I originally read article from which stated all trains are stopped. Wrong information, sorry.
One can download the full departure table here: [](
My train is running with an unannounced minute delay
Hey look that’s best city börn.
maybe they are using Salt DNS
Switzerland has fallen!
ah merde. there were signs that deployment could fail. 😛
How do you suppose nationalization would prevent such issues?
I’d be in favor of that too, but I don’t see how it’s relevant to this.