Barron Trump Reportedly Had a Disturbing Childhood Which Included Hurting Small Animals and Slapping His Nanny

Barron Trump Reportedly Had a Disturbing Childhood Which Included Hurting Small Animals and Slapping His Nanny

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. So we are seeing the early behavior of sociopathic serial killers in this kid. Who could have seen this coming?

  2. Did you think that he would be any different? Another piece of shit from the Trump line

  3. Poor kid … with a father like trump how could he not be screwed up .. but in the safe side .. eyes open … 👀

  4. The whole family is a fucking freaky sideshow that shits in golden toilets. How fucking gullible does someone have to be to think that that detached clown show would care about Americans?

  5. Not a good sign; that’s similar to George W. Bush’s upbringing, where he used to shoot frogs with BB Guns, as I recall..

  6. And sexual assault. His daddy must be so proud that his son takes after him. The only difference between daddy and Barron is that Barron lets off serious serial killer vibes.

  7. What are the odds that before he turns 21 this sour-faced twat is involved in a mysterious incident involving illicit drug use, satanic rituals, and the suspicious death of an unsuspecting member of the public?

  8. I feel sorry for that kid. I hope his Mom is able to reduce Trump’s negative influence.

  9. >Which Included Hurting Small Animals and Slapping His Nanny

    There’s been about like, 20 movies produced about why this gotta be the most biggest red flag on earth.

  10. Is the obsession with Hannibal Lecter a sign that he knows what the future holds for his son?

  11. Trump’s father tormented him, while also rewarding him for acting out like buying him more toys for breaking his brother’s or punching his kindergarten teacher and giving him a black eye. Trump also abused his own dementia-addled father, poking his fingers with needles and flicking his eyelids.

    He absolutely passed those traits on. Don JR and Eric were more their mother’s children that he had little interest in except as subordinates and Ivanka was his sexual fantasy like someone obsessed with sterility drinking their own urine. He was so disinterested in them as people he sued their mother in the divorce for their possessions and toys and took away what he won in the settlement. Barron was the kid he actually saw grow up, and interacted frequently with. That’s the one he passed his own damage onto.

  12. Wait. So. Biden’s son did coke and sent dick pics

    And Baron tortures ANIMALS?????

    I mean. I don’t want anything to do with baron’s laptop but are we being punked??????

  13. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s all fucked up. A narcissist father, a smug mother; he had no shot!

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