Do they think the RNC will do better?

Do they think the RNC will do better?

Posted by Embarrassed-Mouse-49

  1. I read an interesting theory in the Atlantic. That if a group with views seem as extreme by general society protests against you, that might actually help you in the elections. Sure, it might hurt you with fringe groups, but the most numerous undecided voters who oppose those fringe views might feel more at ease voting for you, as they see you as less extreme. So, being opposed by the crazies is an endorsement.

  2. They did this in 2008 if I remember right.

    Different reasons, but pretty sure they did in 2008.

  3. Well, who is more likely to listen? Trying to protest to the RNC has proven time and time again that you would be better off shouting your grievances at a brick wall. DNC have played the good guys in this two-party game so naturally if you have to pick a side to protest, you’re going to want the side that has a built a reputation around being the party for the people.

  4. Why are people so offended by sanctioned, peaceful protests? Just because they’re saying something you don’t like doesn’t mean they don’t have a right to say it.

  5. I’m fine with them protesting. First Amendment rights and all that jazz. Just as long as it remains only protests, and nothing more happens.

  6. Because trump will end the suffering of Palestinians.

    (Just not in the way the protestors think…)

  7. If they thought the RNC would change, they would protest there. The Democratic Party does away based on public opinion, though slowly.
    So, yeah, that’s the party to protest in front of.

  8. It’s hard to tell if the people in these comments are actually pro-mass slaughter, or if they’re just disempowered and believe that their voices have no value.

  9. I’m pro-Israel and pro-Palestinians. I’m also anti-Netanyahu and anti-Hamas. That’s the problem I have with protesting. It’s pretty hard to get across my view with a sign or slogan.

    I haven’t understood those on the Left taking their specific view of a complicated situation as a litmus test for support in the election.

  10. It’s either protest at the DNC to make sure the people that will be in charge of the country know that the war in Gaza is a major concern for them, or do nothing and let the status quo continue and let people die.

    If anything, they are hopeful that the people at the DNC will do something about it, like stopping shipments of weapons to isreal.

  11. Maybe they think their protest might have an impact with the dems and was pointless at the republican convention? They want to be seen and heard.

  12. Depends on the kind of protesting. It’s totally reasonable to protest your party of choice to ask them to do better. It’s pretty silly to protest in favour of the enemy.

    For instance, it’s sensible to march in front of the DNC to demand more accountability for corporations and an end to price gouging, to hopefully influence lawmakers to adopt these policies by showing there’s a visible, vocal group of supporters asking for these things. It’s absurd to suggest you’re a supporter of the Dems but stand out front with a “Trump 2024” sign just out of spite for a Dem policy you don’t like.

  13. They’re trying to push the agenda in a better direction. Consider them the conscience of the Democratic Party.

  14. It’s not a bad thing to demand your voice be heard. We know the GOP isn’t going to listen. The Dems should be doing everything they can to fix their messaging around Israel. No more weapons transfers until there’s a cease fire. No more blindly supporting Israel no matter how many war crimes they commit

  15. It’s because they know it’s safe to protest at the DNC. I’m old enough to remember “free speech zones” or closer to my home, how the protestors in Saint Paul were treated. The dispersal order was read and immediately following, rubber bullets and gas were fired upon the crowd.

  16. The protesters are airing a concern to the party who more likely to address their concern. They know Trump is worse and trying to get a commitment from the more reasonable party, most will likely vote blue in the general.

  17. I assumed it was because they thought the DNC might listen and do something, the Republicans don’t have any policies to protest against. Protesting is not always about conflict but telling people in power this is an issue that is important to you.

  18. Just gonna say, if Trump gets elected then Palestinians won’t have to deal with years of suffering and oppression.

    They’ll just be dead.

  19. No they don’t. They protest at the DNC because it is the side far more likely to listen. Let them protest

  20. Nobody is saying the RNC or republicans are better but this logic is like saying you can’t criticize America because living in Vietnam is worse

  21. They should just have people outside with signs reading, “the people out here weren’t able to fit inside”

  22. Of course GOP supports Israel! 🇮🇱 end times rapture accelerationists ! It’s a shady scary reality. Been around them since college in Fl especially around y2k. Jesus it was just on CW paid preacher and evangelicals in 🇮🇱 talking about it even this Sunday.

  23. They are trying to be heard. They want the Dems to stop supporting a genocide. This is a comment card via the crowd.

  24. You may not understand how electoral politics work. it’s a bit more nuanced. alas, there is a reason they don’t teach civics in the US of A

  25. I didn’t see the protest to know what this referenced but there is a hospital a couple blocks away from the the DNC with the union nurses on strike. It’s not politically motivated by parties, but a contract dispute the hospital has refused to engage in talks over. I think they would welcome some high level representatives showing up to support them! I’m be there to support them tomorrow!

  26. I think they are protesting the party they think will have a better chance of listening. They expect nothing of Republicans, they expect more of Democrats.

  27. It’s simple really, they get their marching orders from Russian handlers who told them to protest the DNC but don’t even bother at the RNC

  28. there’s a very sad thing you will notice as you start to pay attention to American politics.

    progressives who should be on the right side of things without fail every single election cycle will be led astray via purity test and bad faith nonsense.

    It doesn’t matter what it is whenever Democrats try and meet them on their demands they’ll move the goal post and still refuse to support the group that agrees with him on 95% of policy.

    and every four years it’s a new crop of young people that don’t know how anything works but they’re very very mad about it.

  29. I think they protest at the DNC because out of either party, the Dems are the only ones not equating all Palestinians with Hamas. Which means the Democrats are really the only ones worth even asking.

    The real question that should be asked is: why do it like that? Protesters don’t realize that the optics of what they’re doing only enhances the chance of Palestine being wiped off the map. It fuels the Republican talking point that Democrats are dysfunctional. Most of the people reposting video of the protesters are conservatives. They want everyone to say “look! The Democrats are eating their own!“ that, paired with the fact that a lot of those protesters will likely vote third-party, could actually bring Republicans into power where they would probably send military help to exterminate the remaining Palestinians.

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