‘He’s Nostalgic For Biden’: GOP Insiders Say Trump’ is ‘Stuck In The Past’ as He Fumbles Attacks on Harris

‘He’s Nostalgic For Biden’: GOP Insiders Say Trump’ is ‘Stuck In The Past’ as He Fumbles Attacks on Harris

‘He’s Nostalgic For Biden’: GOP Insiders Say Trump’ is ‘Stuck In The Past’ as He Fumbles Attacks on Harris

Posted by inewser

  1. “She’s black, you can’t vote for her!” – so far the only thing he’s come up with

  2. He’s painfully aware that he’s the old weirdo now, and he doesn’t know what to do about it. It’s glorious.

  3. I’m a little mystified by this.

    Does the Trump campaign really need a lot of time to come up with childish insults and meaningless attacks? I just don’t see why, all they’ve ever been is dumb insults and lies. That shouldn’t be this hard.

    I get that Trump has always been dumb and is in decline, but he must have someone in his campaign capable of thinking on a third grade level.

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